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  • 01/24/2006 | N6ZE/ROVER

    This year's VHF SS operations were different than for the past few years:

    At work, I operated from 1700 - 2400 UTC on Saturday on 2.5 meters at 38,000 ft. (Oops, can't count that!)

    When driving home from LAX airport, I made some QSOs on 6,2,70 from DM0... Read More

  • W5UWB 6el 6 / 21el 2

    01/24/2006 | W5UWB

    Please - lets schedule next years 'test during the OFF
    week between the NFL Divisional Playoffs and the SuperBowl.

    I love the contests but NFL football takes precedence!

    73 - John Read More

  • Loops and verticles.. by day

    01/24/2006 | VE3WCC/R

    Great contest! Only operated for 6 hours Saturday evening but managed to operate from FN14,FN15,FN24,FN25 and make 75 QSO's with a total claimed score of 2320.

    Antennas were loops on 144/222/432 and verticles on 50/902/1296.

    Luckily the snow stopped a ... Read More

  • At ocean shores CN76

    01/24/2006 | K3UHF/R

    January 2006 contest Notes:

    After taking a year off from roving I was excited about doing it again. I re-invented the roof rack system to a five foot tall and more stout aluminum vertical frame in combination with fiberglass cross booms purchased on e... Read More

  • 01/24/2006 | W9SZ

    This was an unique contesting experience for me. I left home at 5:30 AM on Sunday, got to my hilltop at 6:30 AM and was set up by 7:30 AM. Temperature was a little below freezing and everything was covered with frost. The view was breathtaking and s... Read More

  • 01/24/2006 | KQ6EE

    KQ6EE was at the top of San Gabriel Peak(6161') above Pasadena, CA. I only operated for couple hours only on Sunday. It was pretty windy and cold. I didn't want to be frozen to death. That's why I hiked down before noon. I bring all my ht and FT-8... Read More

  • The 2el steppIR... my second antenna.

    01/24/2006 | F6IRF

    After the disapointing 2005 attempt (did not manage to enter the top-ten in HP category), I decided to try something else... so why not LP; better be at max allowed power in LP than at 1/3 of the max allowed HP power!
    Started on 20m, but the band was... Read More

  • 01/24/2006 | KA7RRA

    I was in 2 contest this weekend,The VHF sweepstakes and the NAQP! I had the TS-2000 set up for VHF and 6 meters And the IC-7000 for HF

    I was using the HALO antenna's and my coax cable was short by about 3 feet,so I had to move the TS-2000 closer to... Read More




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