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  • 01/26/2006 | NS1O

    I just wanted to say that each year that go's by SK night gets better and better, I heard alot of great fists out their. I only worked two people (KA3YNV, Dave for about 1/2 Hr. and W1EOF, Mark for about 1Hr) Both contacks where FB and I'm looking forw... Read More

  • 01/26/2006 | K1SG

    My first EME contest (and my first season on the moon)...2 weekends of operation on 6 meter EME, and only 7 contacts to show for it, but it was fun and educational for me. As with almost everyone else, my conclusion is, I need more aluminum!
    Steve K1SG Read More

  • Contest setup on Saturday

    01/26/2006 | N2TEB

    While I have casually listened in on some VHF+ contests in the past, I never put much effort into it like I did this year. My current QTH and others in the past have been poor locations for VHF+ contests due to low elevation in hilly terrain and/or re... Read More

  • 01/25/2006 | KM5VI

    KM5VI and N5LYG ventured to the park for a little 10m activity. The bands where better than we expected. We mustered about 597 q's on 3 dipoles for 117,944 points. We had 1 10m dipole @ 80', a 10m sterba (that rocked) @ 65' and a 10-80m folded dipole @... Read More

  • 01/25/2006 | K6 ILM

    Decided to try multiple rigs for first time in 51 years. No luck with 1929 hartley & Gross Eagle combo or Hallicrafters SR-75 tranceiver, a little better with Lettine 240 & National FB-7 combo, as well as Ameco AC-1 & National SW-3 combo, then gangbus... Read More

  • 6m 3-element yagi below 2m 6-element yagi (70cm 6-element yagi not shown)

    01/25/2006 | KL7UW

    Very Nice turnout by Alaskans for their third VHF contest. I estimate over 34 stations with most activity on 144-MHz FM simplex. Bands from 6m thru 33cm were activated this contest.

    My plans to rover to Homer, AK on a 1100-foot ridge were cancelled ... Read More

  • 01/25/2006 | KD4MCA

    I began this contest with high hopes, and while my score was not what I wanted it to be (rotor failure, poor propagation, etc) my high hopes were fulfilled by the operators I ran into on the bands.

    Murphy started off with a bang, keeping me at work l... Read More

  • The rover set-up in FN10xc, Blue Ball, PA

    01/24/2006 | K1DS/ROVER

    Had the best Jan VHF contest ever from the roverthis was the first mild weather January contest weekend weve ever had. Completed about 600 QSOs and 70+ grid mults. It was a pleasure to be able to set up the antennas and attach the cables without frozen... Read More




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