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  • 01/28/2006 | K3PX

    Once again, I enjoyed Straight Key Night for the New Year - 2006. I made 30 enjoyable QSO's, all on 40 meters. I worked as far north as VE1DY, Nova Scotia, VE9CQ, New Brunswick, as far south as KP2HC, U.S. Virgin Islands and several western states. I h... Read More

  • 01/28/2006 | AC4FS

    This was my first Straight Key Night. I had been preparing for it for several months, brushing up on my Morse code sending and copying abilities. I had also been pushing this in our local club, in hopes I'd get a few other members to participate (I a... Read More

  • VE3WMB SKN Station - Elecraft K1 and Swedish Army Key

    01/28/2006 | VE3WMB

    I only made 4 SKN contacts but I had a blast as usual. It was great to hear so many SKN stations on the air. To key my K1, I used a Cold War Era Swedish Army Straight Key that was given to my by some Swedish friends. This key is simply wonderful. The h... Read More

  • Ron N8MPF in the background , and Dave KC8SCG in the foreground both on the 2m/70cm desk .

    01/27/2006 | K8ZIZ

    This years January VHF SS got off to a slow start in EN81 . Conditions were poor in our area for the whole contest . We did work alot more FM contacts on both 2m and 70cm this time around . Into the evening we had a full sked on 6m wsjt which every sta... Read More

  • <b>W2TAU Sets up the Rover in FN13 - Note the PERFECT January WX in Rochester!</b>

    01/27/2006 | K2QO/R

    My previous entry was up for a day and now it's vanished!? OK, here is the readers digest version.

    We ran 6 grids and 540 miles for a point total of 31,000, about 1/3 of last January. Poor Saturday conditions and flakey uW problems limited our score. S... Read More

  • Here's the antennas that made it happen.

    01/27/2006 | K3TUF

    This was my fourth Jan VHF SS and the score keeps getting better and I keep learning lessons. I had a great time in spite of the flat conditions. The only problem was an issue on 2m that caused the preamp to blow three times causing some unexpected b... Read More

  • 01/27/2006 | K5SOH

    Made seven QSOs with a Ten-Tec 1340 qrp rig running on a 12 volt gel cell battery. I built the rig in 1999 for My 55th Birthday. used in for My first skn that year while working over time on Y2K watch with the Houston Police Dept. didnt work skn again ... Read More

  • 01/26/2006 | W4JJF

    This was my first solo contest. My current set up only allowed for operation on 6M & 2M., however I had a blast. I was able to work 100 Q's and 28 Grids. I know it's not a big score but I'm still quite proud. Also when the activity slowed down I was th... Read More




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