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2006 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes

01/25/2006 | KL7UW Very Nice turnout by Alaskans for their third VHF contest. I estimate over 34 stations with most activity on 144-MHz FM simplex. Bands from 6m thru 33cm were activated this contest.

My plans to rover to Homer, AK on a 1100-foot ridge were cancelled due a winter storm dropping ten inches snow. Instead I had to remove snow from my driveway and roof and did not operate Sunday afternoon. I did set up my pickup for roving (see photos). Attempts at 1296 with KL7FZ and KL4E were unsuccessful. With only four grids being active scores aren't high but we have more stations participating in VHF+ contests each time.

I worked 6m: 2x2grids, 2m: 15x3grids, and 70cm: 5x1grid; score 162. I ran 6m 3-elem yagi mounted in pickup or 1/4 wave whip; 2m-eme array with 170w; 70cm 11-elem yagi and 50w with FT-847. I missed quite a few stations on Sunday. Rovers and hilltop portables made quite an impact on activity.

For June I will be a 100% rover to 3 grids (2 which have not been active before)operating 6-2-1.25m-70-33-23-3cm.

VHF contesting in Alaska is being promoted by the members of the Alaska VHF-Up Group (not yet affiliated with ARRL) which was formed in spring 2005 and has 39members. The website for the AVG is -- KL7UW





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