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  • 01/31/2006 | KC0IYT/R

    - sorry for the duplicate soapbox entry -
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  • 01/30/2006 | K3OQ

    Due to family commitments only had about 2 1/2 to 3 hours in the contest. Again ran QRP with attic antennas. This time the difference was that I had stacked PAR Omni-Angles on 2 and 432. I did notice a big difference on 2 meters, but not so much on ... Read More

  • 01/30/2006 | K2DRH EN41

    This January VHF Sweepstakes seemed harder to prepare for than usual. While there was a pleasant lack of the usual antenna problems, there seemed no end to the stuff that needed to be done inside the shack. Ive been using a new rotor box from Green H... Read More

  • 01/30/2006 | KC2IRO/7

    I operated this contest from BP72 in Glennallen, Alaska. I had 5 watts on 6 meters, 10 watts on 2-meter, and 350mW on 446 FM. Unfortunately even some of the "close" stations were difficult to get, and even 6-meter CW wasn't going very far. Local noi... Read More

  • Installing the 1296 M2

    01/29/2006 | WD0ACD

    Ahhh....Christmas Break..... Hey! Why not add a couple more bands to the ACD rover-mobile for the January Contest.....Gee, if it was only that simple!

    We all know the rest of this story: My wife Karla - N5KUR, my roving partner Joe - K5FOG, and I wor... Read More

  • 01/29/2006 | KI7JA

    The Camp at 3200 Feet in CN94, Central Oregon, with about 1.5" of snow. Temperature got down to +17degrees F Saturday night. I had 2M, 222, and 432 on one pole, 6m on another pole, and 1296 was on a 1" piece of conduit stuck in a stump. Band conditi... Read More

  • 01/29/2006 | KB0HH

    Conditions seemed rather poor during the contest. We did manage a few scatter QSOs on 6 meters though. The 1296 amp lost all it's internal smoke early in the contest, they don't work well after their smoke gets out. Many thanks to the ops who found ... Read More

  • This is what was left of the mast.
Old man Winter wasn't gentle

    01/29/2006 | W4SHG

    Well it was time again for the January VHF Sweepstakes. Its now 2006 and I have things ready a week in advance for a change. I just received some nice new HEMT preamps for my 3.456 and 5.760 microwave gear as I found myself in the basement with the sol... Read More




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