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  • 11/28/2005 | K0YW

    This was initial contest with my new GS-15B amp for 23CM. Power out measured at 425W into coup/HP 435B. Activity was good. Worked 5 new initials to push my total initial contact count over 170. I made the best score ever for me in this contest. Always ... Read More

  • Raytown South Amateur Radio Club flyers distributed in the school hallways and science classes.

    11/27/2005 | KB0VVT

    SS CW 2005

    Note: The photographs will open to a larger size if you click on them with your mouse.

    Much has happened since last years Sweepstakes when the KBVT SS CW 2004 Multi-op team placed 5th in the Nation.

    My family and I traveled to Hawaii to va... Read More

  • Michael N3CA gets ready to copy a call.

    11/27/2005 | N3CA

    This was the first real test for my new Force 12 C3E beam at 50ft and resonant
    dipoles on 40 and 80 to replace my G5RV. It was an interesting contest - I
    discovered that I have audio feedback on 80m when my laptop is attached to my
    radio, so I was with... Read More

  • 11/25/2005 | KG5VK

    It looks like Huricane Katrina took out our major comp W5DDX within Louisiana, so maybe us "Yankee boys to the North" have a shot at first place this year. I would have rather lost to them versus them being QRT from a Huricane.

    KG5VK had great support ... Read More

  • 11/24/2005 | K7HP

    Missed the sweep on CW by DE , MB and ND(which is normally a snap) so decided to try phone. Unbelievable - worked 8 Oklahoma stations on CW - not a one on phone so missed the sweep on phone also. Heard one poor Oklahoma soul get run off 40 by the thu... Read More

  • 11/24/2005 | W6RCL

    W6RCL SOAB Low Power . . . . worked 355 / 76-sections / ~ 39k points

    Station: FT-847, Force 12 (2-el ea 20-15-10), HF2V 80-40, (TR-log)...

    30% of my QSO's were RUN (based on CQ-ing), 70% on S&P (Search and Pounce).

    When CQ-ing, I worked 1.2 stations pe... Read More

  • 11/22/2005 | WA4HHG

    This is my first SS in over 30 years of being licensed. Had a good deal of fun running QRP with an FT-817. Will do a couple of things differently next time. Only operated something like 8 hours; will extend that. Starting out using N3FJB software f... Read More

  • This is the CW station for field day. The antenna farm had a good crop this year.

    11/22/2005 | W9ZL

    This year was one of the best at the FCARC feild day site in Neenah, Wisconsin. We where located behind the Town of Neenah Fire Department. Operating a 2A station.

    There was alot of people that stopped in to see what we where doing. Had one gentalman s... Read More




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