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  • 12/06/2005 | KD2MX

    My very first 160-meter contact was just a few weeks ago so this was my first contest on the band. I've recently gotten back on the air after many years of inactivity so I'm still getting my cw into shape. My first attempt at cw contesting was last m... Read More

  • Raytown South Amateur Radio Club flyers distributed in the school hallways and science classes.

    12/05/2005 | KB0VVT

    SS Phone 2005

    Note: The photographs will open to a larger size if you click on them with your mouse.

    As I have stated in my SS CW 2005 write-up, much has happened since last years Sweepstakes when the KBVT 2004 SS CW Multi-op team placed 5th in the Nat... Read More

  • 12/05/2005 | K3MQ

    My first ARRL 160m contest in my first month of contesting in my first year as a ham.

    Since my code copy is no where's near 30 wpm, I had to listen to a cq'ing station several times before I could get his call sign. Forget about my calling cq - I woul... Read More

  • 12/05/2005 | K2CS

    Location, location, location (or antenna, antenna, antenna).

    Operated portable from my place in the Adirondack Mountains in Cold Brook, NY.

    With only 2 neighbors, no man made noise and at 1400 ft, this is the first time I really got to "participate".

    M... Read More

  • W1TR 160 meter ground plane

    12/05/2005 | W1TR

    On Friday night, 160 was all lit up like 20 meters during the day. Stations were calling from Europe to Carribean to Seattle / Vancouver to Los Angeles and the Midwest... too bad QRN got us on Saturday night with an approaching snow storm. The band w... Read More

  • Yvette, KB3HTS, carefully scans 20 m at the Case Western Reserve University club station, W8EDU. (W8WTS photo).

    12/05/2005 | W8EDU

    The Case Amateur Radio Club station, W8EDU, at Case Western Reserve University was active on SSB as well as CW this year, hosting a M/S effort in ARRL SS SSB.

    The emphasis in this contest was to provide some exposure to contesting to operators that do... Read More

  • K6EI by his soon-to-be-upgraded 55-foot sky hook

    12/04/2005 | K6EI

    K9DX in Illinois was S9 here in SCV, but my lowly 5 watts could never get a response. I guess its time to replace my antenna.

    Suggestion for next year: Everyone sends 599 as part of the exchange -- why not update the rules and substitute power level... Read More

  • Don't try this at home and keep the power down.
K9IlT photo

    12/04/2005 | K0PG

    I love this contest. I love 160. But what do you do when you live on the third floor of a no antennas allowed building -- especially for 160? Friday night I cobbled together a short vertical with a base tuner and put it on my stealth balcony railing ... Read More




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