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  • 12/12/2005 | W6RA

    Enjoyed the 10 meter contest, in spite of limited operating time. Running 5 watts into my G5RV, I felt I was getting out better than I had expected. The G5RV is up at 100' and horizontal (thanks to the
    tall trees here). The hardest q's to make were w... Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | K7FU

    I enjoyed the contest as always. Even though we are near the sunspot minimum there seemed to be quite a bit of activity. The best opening from Oregon seemed to be mostly Middle America and only a few South Americans and some Gulf of Mexico stns. Read More

  • My host, K0TV, setting up the Ten Tec "O'Brien", as we jokingly called it (with the proper Brooklyn Jewish accent from an old gag on The Three Stooges).

    12/11/2005 | K0T V

    It's a lot of fun to operate QRP and not be weak. I like to call it "high power QRP". I've done it twice before on CW SS - once from K1EA (paper logging in the room where CT was written, cuz I hadn't learned how to use CT yet), and once from K1TTT. ... Read More

  • 12/11/2005 | W0EB

    Missed all the fun Friday night for some reason. I don't know why I didn't get on. Started early Saturday morning and worked some. Took frequent breaks, and even went to bed early Saturday night. Got up early Sunday and worked a bunch more until af... Read More

  • 12/09/2005 | K7QBO

    Friday night conditions were very good in Eastern Washington section. Lots of stations on and heard. Low noise and able to work into the caribbean area without much problem at 100 Watts. Saturday night condions were not as good. More noise here and fad... Read More

  • 12/09/2005 | WA1LAD

    Primary 160 antenna wiped out by falling tree limb Friday morning. Threw up my camping antenna Friday afternoon and managed to pump out an amazing 50 watts of RF. Thanks to everyone who worked me in the contest. See you next year. 73 de Gil Read More

  • 12/08/2005 | NE1RD

    Thanks to all those who patiently pulled out my QRP signal. I owe half my points to good ears on the other end of the QSO! Read More

  • 12/07/2005 | K5LJ

    This was about the 10th year I've been entering the 160M contest - always as low power. This year's conditions seemed poorer than last - fewer DX stations heard here in STX. Friday nite was pretty decent and quiet but Saturday nite, an approaching fron... Read More




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