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  • 11/16/2005 | N7BYU

    For the second year in a row, the Brigham Young University Amateur Radio Club (N7BYU) entered in CW portion of SS. As far as I know, this is also only the second time that weve done so, and I was the operator both times.

    Im still working on CW, so the... Read More

  • 11/16/2005 | N7MAL

    This is a copy of an email I sent to ham friends and family the day before SSCW:

    Boys and Girls: The best news is the ladder-line for my wire antenna now goes directly into the shack and the back of the tuner, just in time for the sweepstakes contest. ... Read More

  • 11/14/2005 | WD0GTY

    Had a fun time again this year giving contacts to the big stations. Need to practice more so I can call CQ and get the numbers up. The long exchange is intimidating for me when I try to call CQ.

    Weather during the contest weekend was great. Perry, N... Read More

  • <a href="">K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities</a>

    11/13/2005 | K3WWP

    I got in the SS this year mainly to complete my North American QRP CW Club ( simple wire antenna WAS. I hadn't worked MT despite working all other 49 states several times since the starting date of 1/1/2004 for the award. ... Read More

  • K6JEB - <i>after midnight, we're gonna let it all hang out . . .</i>

    11/10/2005 | K6JEB

    This was my first Sweepstakes since 1988, when I was just starting college. I was bluffing my way through learning new logging software, and managed to get two more temporary antennas up in time for the contest to start. The first day I felt like I si... Read More

  • 11/10/2005 | K2LNS

    While operating this beloved contest, I noticed so many checks in the 50 and 60's. I did a small survey of what I found by decades. From the 1950's to 59, I worked 247 different stations. From 1960 to 1969 I worked 215 stations. the 70's to 79 = 190 st... Read More

  • 11/10/2005 | N8CPA

    I have to call this my strangest CW-SS ever. On Saturday, CDX kept giving me mixed signals. On the one hand--and I'm still scratching my head over this--I couldn't log more than 85 Q's in the first 10 hours of the event. One the other hand, I was abl... Read More

  • KF8GD and WB8REI pounding away to get an elusive contact. Check out the 1995 Clean Sweep mug on the table. Our last Clean Sweep was believed to be in 1995. Station is a Yaesu FT-847, 80M &amp; 40M dipoles, tri-band beam and N3FJP contest logging software.

    11/09/2005 | W8ID

    Wow, another great time with our Seneca Radio Club W8ID station set up at the Seneca County Public Safety Building in Tiffin, OH!

    Only four operators (WB8REI, KF8GD, K8ARL and Tom Perkins) for CW this year but that just meant more food for each of us. ... Read More




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