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  • The path...

    11/22/2005 | WJ7L & WA7GIE

    Our first try at 10 GHz narrowband DX was a thrill. 330 kM. Dave Williams, WA7GIE, Ron Jones, K7RJ and myself, Dale, WJ7L, went to Nelson Peak, near Salt lake City, UT at 9,359'. Ron is still in construction of his transverter, but shared the moment wi... Read More

  • 11/21/2005 | WA4VJC

    First real attempt at SS since Ive been back on the air. Lots of fun and frustration contesting with an attic antenna farm. [Think of it as QRP with bad ears! hi] Did take a 45 minute break after dark for my 10 yr old son, W4RFC, and I to put up a ... Read More

  • 11/21/2005 | KU4UV

    Another November Phone Sweepstakes Contest is over. I managed to increase my score and QSO count from last year. I operated as a Single-Op/Low entry, and managed 211 contacts in 16 hours of the contest. I don't have the best station in the world, bu... Read More

  • My 7 year old Connor warming up the radio and chair!

    11/21/2005 | VE4MM

    Thanks to all who gave me a contact, even when I was in the noise.

    QRP is just a "grinding it out" test.

    Everyone should have had a VE4 contact because there were lots of us out there this year!

    I hope my ears stop ringing.......................

    73 Mic... Read More

  • 11/21/2005 | N8CBW

    This was my first operation in the Sweepstakes and I only had 4 hours to operate, but I did manage to contact 25 sections using 15, 20, 40, and 80 meters.

    Now I have something to build on for next year. Read More

  • 11/21/2005 | N4SL

    N4SL operated from WWA, QRP for 15 hours.

    Kudos to all those ops who took the time at their own score's expense to pull me out and keep requesting the repeats until it was correct.

    A lot of you were my only contact in that section, it meant a lot to me... Read More

  • 11/21/2005 | KI0DI

    Another enjoyable SS, despite the poor propogation. No 10 meter contacts this year, but I still did better than last year, mostly due to upgrading to Extra in September. There are really quite a few QSO's available at the low end of the phone band, a... Read More

  • Tony Ruiz, K1USC

    11/19/2005 | K1USC

    Greetings to all, from one of the new guys. Tony, K1USC here in Alta Loma, CA. Orange Section.

    It's nice seeing the comments on the Soapbox. It amazes me how well so many of you do with only a few hours on the contest. I still have a lot of contesti... Read More




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