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  • 12/12/2005 | N3PAQ

    I really enjoyed my first contest, even though I only managed thirteen contacts, four states, and two countries. Since Im new to HF, my first cross country contacts were quite exciting, and even more exciting was working Venezuela and Aruba. My anten... Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | AB2TC

    Surprisingly good contest in spite of the low sunspots. Worked 72 QSOs from upstate NY using 100W and G5RV dipole which is not a particularly good 10m antenna. Worked mostly Carribean, South America and west/southwest US. Many TX, CA stations had outst... Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | G3YMC

    Well I beat last year's total so I guess conditions weren't that bad after all! The band was open for a couple of hours on Saturday morning then it closed... On Sunday there were very short openings but very little heard in the way of dx. But I was ver... Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | K7WA

    10 Meters is a great band for those of us with modest stations! After experiencing a couple of brief Es openings (VE5 and ND, then CO) Saturday morning the band opened big-time to the mid-Atlantic and southeast regions and remained open for several ho... Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | UX1IL

    It was nice weekend for me and my cat! Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | KA5KLU

    Enjoyed the 10 meter contest don't have to jump bands. I was surprised here in South Texas how open the band was. Only worked about 10 hours of the contest but it was fun. Like to thank all of those who gave me a contact during the contest. Really ... Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | KF9US

    Conditions this year seemed better than last year; at least there was an opening from Wisconsin to Africa (5U, 6W and EA8) on Sunday. Last year, all I could hear was Florida; this year I struggled to make a couple of QSOs to that state. However, there... Read More

  • 12/12/2005 | N8CPA

    The hams in the mid-latitudes
    liked 10 meters a lot.
    But the Grinch in the ionosphere did not.

    "Oh no," said he,
    "It's THAT time of year.
    The second weekend this month
    I know what I'll hear.
    The hams down below
    will all get on the air.
    CQ TEST CQ TES... Read More




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