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  • 01/04/2006 | K7WA

    Enjoyed bouncing back and forth between 80 meters and the Pacific Northwest VHF Society SKN activity on 2 meters.

    I used the Lafayette Radio key from my Novice days in 1959. Heard some great old rigs on the air and some very good fists!

    CU next year... Read More

  • 2 cent key SKN 2006

    01/04/2006 | W8YRB

    SKN 2006 was alot of fun. After participating in SKN in previous years, I decided to do something different. While talking with my wife about SKN and tring to explain to her why I was going to be staying up most of the night on the radio I asked her ... Read More

  • 01/04/2006 | K9VKY

    SKN 2006 has come to a close, but the smell of heated mold and mildew still lingers in the shack. This year's effort was done with a WW2 PRC-1 spy radio set. The transmitter, receiver, power supply, and compartments for the J-37 key, headphones, and ... Read More

  • 01/04/2006 | WA5MUF

    Straight Key Night was certainly a lot of fun....Morse code was the backbone of Amateur Radio -- still is in my opinion -- and it was my pleasure to participate and share stories with my fellow hams on SKN. (I have had the same call sign since 1965.) Read More

  • "The OLD (op/key) and the NEW (rig) of it"

    01/04/2006 | K7ZD

    Enjoyed my second SKN immensely! It was great to hear all the good fists on the bands. This year I used a WWII Navy Flameproof Key (CMI-26003A). Next year I'll have a TX to put alongside my Drake 2B so I can feel like I'm really into the "swing of t... Read More

  • 01/04/2006 | K5BZH

    This was my first SKN, even though I have been a ham for fifty years. I simply did not know what I had been missing. A fun filled 24 hours to say the least. This year I used a Heath SB-1400 modulated with a Schurr key. Perhaps next year I'll be bac... Read More

  • 01/04/2006 | WB8DQT

    Straight Key Night never fails to charm. The good fellowship, perfect courtesy, and an eclectic mix of keys and old and new gear makes for a delightful experience. I was only able to get on for a few hours on New Year's Day and never got off of forty m... Read More

  • 01/04/2006 | WN9U

    It was wonderful hearing all the SK fists during SKN 2006. There was not a bad one in the bunch! This year I operated using my Heathkit DX-20 with crystral control, a Hallicrafters SX-100 receiver, an 80 meter loop fed with 450 ohm ladder line to a 275... Read More




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