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  • 01/05/2006 | W1RO/7

    Another great SKN. This year used my Heathkit HW-16 with 3 crystals. With crystals for 7010, 7019.5 & 7050 KHz I was able to work 40 and 15 meters with 50 watts. All QSO's lasted around 30 minutes. That old U.S. Navy Flameproof key felt really good. It... Read More

  • <p></p>

    01/05/2006 | XE1NK

    After almost eleven years of being a ham I decided to participate in the SKN. Many years since I did not operate with a straight key about 4 years ago in the Telecommunication Eng. School, in Vigo, Spain (EA1RCT).

    My operation was a mixture of "new and... Read More

  • 01/05/2006 | W9AVM

    Another memorable SKN Using my brass Western Electric key, I made
    enjoyable chats with 17 others, ages ranging from 36 to 74 and ham
    experience from 1-50 years. It was KB1IHO's first cw contact. There
    were alot of good "fists" out there. The best I en... Read More


    01/05/2006 | KW3U

    I totally enjoyed SKN again this year. Great fists and extremely interesting qso's, hard to pick just one. KB1LZH was one that stood out. Meeting a retired Navy sub captain (W1DV) who also was at Subic Bay as I was in 69. The shack was warmed nicely b... Read More

  • South Sandwich Is. Memorial Station Crew

    01/05/2006 | LR5U

    Special event station LR50U and LR5U
    This station was on the air during December 2005, as have been 50 years since the first operation from South Sandwich Island argentine station.
    Location was Radio Club Pampeano LU1UG, in the city of General Pico, La... Read More

  • 01/05/2006 | K6ILM

    After 51 years of SKN, finally decided to try using more than one set-up. No luck with 1929 Hartley TX/Gross Eagle RX combo or Hallicrafters SR-75 tranceiver, a little better with Lettine 240 TX/National FB-7 RX combo and Ameco AC-1 TX/National SW-3 ... Read More

  • straight key handcrafted by Arkansas gunsmith Al Bulin AB5RT; Tuna Tin 2 xmtr upper right and IC-R70 rcvr bottom; note WM-1 wattmeter reading 300mW

    01/05/2006 | KI4DEF

    GA, OMs! Happy New Year--hope you all had a good SKN!

    I only had one SKN QSO, but it was a dandy. Chatted for almost an hour with my friend Ray KG2B on 7040 kHz--the first QSO of the year for both of us. Ray was running his old FT301D, while I was r... Read More

  • CPO Crawfords old keyW1TPB

    01/05/2006 | W1TPB

    I always look forward to SKN. I use a key with a sounder that is over 90 yrs.old. It belonged to a family friend who was a U.S.N. radioman in WW1 & WW2. My wrist does get tired now. My most intersting QSO was with W8YRB who was using 2 1901 pennies sol... Read More




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