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  • WW4Z showing off his trusty straight key.

    01/02/2006 | WW4Z

    My first Straight Key Night (2005) will not be my last. I had loads of fun working stations from all walks of life. I really enjoyed working a station, made up of Heathkit gear and a spark key, from Port Huron, Michigan. It sounded as good as new. M... Read More

  • 01/02/2006 | XE1NK

    I was not planning to participate in the contest but it was 2130Z Sunday and thought: Well, I can put the FT-817 on the shack, connect it to my TH3J and enjoy a little bit. Thats what I did!

    Just looking for stations even conditions were poor. Thanks f... Read More

  • 01/02/2006 | AA8K

    Used a genuine Robertson Clocks spark key with my DX-60, Johnson Ranger, and Collins 75A-4. I got them repaired in time for SKN. What fun pumping the big brass key and the glow of 50 year old radios! My first time on CW in a decade and my fist sound... Read More

  • Here is the J-38 I used for Straight Key Night.

    01/02/2006 | KC9FAV

    Since I got my upgrade in March of 2005 I have been a CW operator and LOVING it!!!
    This is my first SKN that I had participated in and it was very nice to make the contacts that I had.

    Since the family and I had things to do, I wasn't able to make all ... Read More

  • 01/02/2006 | KD8BSR

    My first SKN. 2005 was my first year licenced at that. I listened a bit and decided I couldn't hack it. Then I listened a bit more and decided I couldn't hack it. Then with a few hours to go, I warmed up the Apache and the R392 and had at it anyway... Read More

  • 01/02/2006 | NV4T

    I didn't get to participate as much as I wanted due to having a bad cold, and family activities, but sure did have a good time. The rig was my old standby a Heathkit HW-16 with HG-10 VFO, which behaved much better than last year (no drift or ac hum), ... Read More

  • 01/02/2006 | K8PUJ

    Nice SKN QSOs on 80/40/20/15. Thought all the fists sounded great, even thought mine was passable this year! Read More

  • 01/01/2006 | WD0K

    Fun event! Regret getting started so late. 40 meters sounded like yesterday,except for the missing Russian woodpecker. Most interesting qso was with K9VKY; Brian was using a WW2 spy radio contained in a suit case. Sounded great with 30w out. You never ... Read More




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