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  • 01/05/2006 | KC9BSP

    It is nice to celebrate the new year with friends as the clock ticks down to midnight. But to celebrate it also with amateur radio friends makes it even so much more special. This was my second year participating in SKN. The gaiety and celebration of t... Read More

  • This is my mobile CW rig -- Kenwood TS480SAT and a Vibroplex "Code Mite".  The key is very small and can be difficult to use while driving...hi hi.

    01/05/2006 | KA4AXS

    This was my first SKN since I got back into the hobby last year. I was first licensed as a Novice in 1978 as a 15 year old but after many years flying in the USAF, I was off the air. The only keys I own and operate are straight keys so SKN was great.... Read More

  • VE3IFS/W2 in the cold shack but with the warmth of CW pinging in his ears!

    01/05/2006 | VE3IFS/W2

    To say that I had fun would be an understatement. This was my first SKN, although I had wanted to do it for many years. As is often the case, though, something comes up -- plans are made and New Year's Eve and day disappear into a jumble of turkey, d... Read More

  • 01/05/2006 | N8XMS

    I enjoyed making 10 SKN QSO's this year. I stayed on 40 meters with an Elecraft K1 running 4 watts into an old Cushcraft R7 vertical. My key was a rectangular Speed-X with a Navy knob. There were many fine fists out there, but the best one that I he... Read More

  • Wood base key made by Graham G4XCL approximately 10 years old, brass key is old Lafayett Radio key, and black key is Navy key both which as I used as a Novice back in 1962.

    01/04/2006 | K4JPN

    This is the first SKN I have made in several years, really enjoyed it. I had 14 QSOs most of them lasting 10 to 20 minutes, including a real nice chat with K5KV and VA3RMW. I was amazed how the old straight key technique came back from the days when ... Read More

  • <a href=""><b>Pete and Gay </b></a> listening for "CQ SKN" at radio KB1LZH

    01/04/2006 | KB1LZH

    I was astonished at how much I enjoyed straight key night (SKN). This was my best ham radio experience since I re-joined the hobby last February.

    Just listening to some of my new ham friends talking about the equipment they were using made me long for... Read More

  • <b>Johnson nickel plated straight key - circa 1970</b>

    01/04/2006 | WA7CS

    2006 SKN was amazing! Considering the solar cycle is just about bottomed out, the bands were jam packed from 160 to 10. 20-meters was so busy, I had a tough time squeezing in to catch a CQ, or to pound out one of my own.

    Johnsons trusty Speed-X gener... Read More

  • KA4JQZ on Straight Key Night 2006.

    01/04/2006 | KA4JQZ

    What a thrill to use my novice station again after 25 years. Heathkit HW-16, VFO and an old Spark Gap key. I only worked two stations; KE6US had a booming signal into Colorado but I lost K7YDL in the QRM (sorry Greg).

    I look forward to next years SKN. ... Read More




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