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2006 ARRL Straight Key Night

01/05/2006 | VE3IFS/W2 To say that I had fun would be an understatement. This was my first SKN, although I had wanted to do it for many years. As is often the case, though, something comes up -- plans are made and New Year's Eve and day disappear into a jumble of turkey, dirty dishes and empty glasses. This year I was determined to do SKN and so, with two teenagers who had their own parties to get to, a most accommodating wife, VE3IFS/W2 was on the air for SKN! I operated mainly 80 and 40 although a perused to 20 to see what was going on. The activity was very good. It was not difficult at all to make a SKN contact and the QSOs lasted upwards of one hour.

I used my new Vibroplex bug that I bought in October. Even though I learned on a bug with my father VE3LHS (ex-VE3DLS), I was rusty, not having used a bug in more than 30 years since I first got my ticket. But when the bug came and I had set it up exactly the way I liked it, it was a total and complete joy. In fact, my fist got better and better as the hours went on!

There were some great stories that I heard in my QSOs, too. I think the best one was from the station who dusted off his key that he learned on 50 years ago and had not touched since getting his license and now he put it back on the air. And then, there are those wonderful radios, all of which I owned at one time or another that were back on the air: the Eico 753 (yes, the Drifty '53 -- and still as drifty and chirpy as ever! Clearly, time does not heal all wounds!), the Ten Tec Century 21 taken out of mothballs to be put back on the air, and my all-time favorite, the Drake TR-4C. My TS-440s may be newer technology but has nothing of the character of any of those rigs. I delighted in hearing them all.

There were so many great fists but I think the best one I heard was AA8MK, Jim in Ohio. He was using a straight key and it sounded perfect. The wonderful thing about good fists, too, is that CW is a joy to listen to. I never realized how mechanical a keyer is and how so filled with lovely character are the hand-made notes of good code. To the several dozen QSOs I had, thank you for hours filled with music!

I am already planning out next year's New Year's. SKN 2006 was a blast and did not disappoint in any way!


Rabbi Cy Stanway





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