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  • 01/10/2006 | ND4U

    I really enjoyed SKN. Made six good contacts. All were my pleasure. I look forward to next year's event. My favorite contact was N3OO, Bob in PA. We chatted for an hour. Really nice guy. My rig was the Ten Tec Jupiter. Key was a Vibroplex Straight Key ... Read More

  • 01/09/2006 | N1CCF

    I worked my father (WA1RKS) during SKN contest. My sending left alot to be desired and I needed to brush up on my copying. But it is a tradition that my father and I started last year and I hope to do for many more years Read More

  • 01/09/2006 | LU1HF

    im very happy with this 10th years of arrl contest.
    in this test try with my new arsenal 5/5/5/5/5/5 yes 6 antennas.
    see the picture.
    i see you in the next contest, of course in ten meters. Read More

  • 01/09/2006 | K3WGR

    wow! MY FIRST SKN, I could not remember how slow and cumbersome the straight key is! I love CW, but after years at the iambic paddle I was straining my unused muscles with the K44 brass straight key. I now remember how the term pounding the brass wa... Read More

  • 01/09/2006 | CT2HZU

    Hi everyone!!

    Have been waiting for contest time for a while since last year was filled with work and not to must time spent on the radio

    Well, since my working conditions are poor, with only a vertical antenna for 10 to 40 meter bands and 4 element ya... Read More

  • K7XC "Radio Central"

    01/09/2006 | K7XC

    2006 SKN was a very nice break from the hectic world of HF Contesting. I made several contacts using 3 keys from my collection. Two Russian keys purchased off of Ebay and my trusty J38 I used as a novice over 25 years ago. 160M SKN was a blast! Lots of... Read More

  • 01/09/2006 | W1TY

    I only operate 40 meters these days due to a tower crash. After 13 RTTY RU years as an all band station, I was jealous at all the activity on other bands! Wish there was a 40 meter entry class, but... Had a great time and with 533 Q's, I exceeded my g... Read More

  • Enjoying SKN,as always!

    01/09/2006 | WA1RKS

    Wasn't able to put in the time, that I did last few SKN's. But did get to work my son again! (N1CCF) Thats become an annual tradition with him and I, since last year,which was our first,and his first CW qso! Copied lots of nice fists as usual, and a lo... Read More




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