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  • VCQ hard at "work".

    02/20/2006 | KA5VCQ

    I participated in the DX contests from Iraq last year as SO1R low power. This year, since my deployment helped build a nice station, I tried SO2R and had a blast. It helps to pass the time when the pace is slow.

    My antenna farm consisted of a vertical ... Read More

  • 02/20/2006 | WY3X

    I didn't plan on making more than a dozen or so contacts during the weekend, but 300+ QSO's later I finally stopped. This was my first time participating in this contest and it was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who strained to hear me with less than... Read More

  • 02/20/2006 | KI1G

    Had a great time as usual. We are almost to the bottom of the sunspot cycle and this is nearly as fun as it is at the top of the cycle. My grandson who turned 1 last weekend had his first listen to CW during this contest. I think he likes it !

    Thanks f... Read More

  • 02/20/2006 | W0RER

    Had a blast on 20m CW all weekend give or take a few hours here and there. Good openings from Denver to Europe and Central/South America...Would have liked to hear more from Oceania but conditions weren't perfect from here...Can't wait for the next one! Read More

  • 02/20/2006 | N2JNZ

    Great condx on all bands !! Worked QRP , Single op , all band and had a blast !! 4 new contries on 40 meters for me with the best being 4Z5J with 5 watts !! Condx on 20 were great also with me working even weak stations with no problem. Station here is... Read More

  • 02/20/2006 | LX1KC

    Great contest again, vy good propagation to the west coast both on LP and SP. Unfortunately I couldn't work at all during saturday/sunday night but managed to work 52 sections and 586 stations on 40 meters during the time left. Band was opened till noo... Read More

  • 02/20/2006 | PA3EZC

    Again it was real fun operating in this contest. The big sigs on 80m on my MLB and the number of stations I worked on this band surprised me. It's also nice to work stations like K3ZO, I worked the week before in the PACC (each year). Success with the ... Read More

  • 02/20/2006 | WA5MUF

    ... the CW DX contest was a lot of fun! Didn't hear too many Italians -- guess many were at the Olympics in Torino. As the contest proves, CW IS ALIVE AND GOING STRONG! Just have to find the time to do my logs. 73, WA5MUF... Same call sign since 1965 Read More




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