QEX - 2021
Free Article Amateur Portable Radios (Handheld Transceivers): Exposure Considerations Based on SAR, by Richard (Ric) A. Tell, K5UJU
QEX - 2018
Free Sample Article: The Story of the Broadband Dipole by Dave Leeson, W6NL
Free sample article: Amplifier Overshoot-Drive Protection by Phil Salas, AD5X
Free Sample Article: Adapt Your Equipment to Operate at Millimeter Waves up to 32 GHz by Euclides Lourenço Chuma, PY2EAJ
Free Sample Article: An Optimized Grounded Base Oscillator Design for VHF/UHF by Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL and Ajay K. Poddar, AC2KG.
Free Sample Article: High-Power HF Band-Pass Filter Design by Jeff Crawford, K0ZR
Free Sample Article: A Tunable RF Preamplifier Using a Variable Capacitance Diode by George R. Steber, WB9LVI
QEX - 2019
Free Sample Article: Building an LDMOS Amplifier with an Arduino Interface by Michael L. Foerster, WØIH
Free Sample Article: Patterns and Polarizations of Modestly-Sized Loop Antennas by Darrel Emerson, AA7FV; G3SYS
Free Sample Article: An Unusual Multi-Band WSPR Transmitter by Dr. George R. Steber, WB9LVI
Free Article: "Baseband Quadrature Multi-Band Modulator" by Braddon Van Slyke, AC0ZJ
Free Sample Article: Wide Dynamic Range Field Strength Meter by Thomas Alldread, VA7TA
QEX - 2017
Free Sample Article: The MSK144 Protocol for Meteor-Scatter Communication by Steven J. Franke, K9AN
Free Sample Article: Improve Performance of Your Octopus V/I Curve Tracer Using a Single Voltage Transformer by Paulo Renato F. Ferreira, PY3PR
Free Sample Article: Re-Purposing an Obsolete Instrument Enclosure by Scott Roleson, KC7CJ
QEX - 2016
Sample Article: "Crystal Test Oscillators" by Fred Brown, W6HPH
Sample Article: 6 m Monoband Conversion for Heathkit SB-1000 Amplifier by Ron Berry, WB3LHD
Sample Article: Elevation and Pseudo-Brewster Angle Formation of Ground-Mounted Vertical Antennas by Robert J. Zavrel Jr, W7SX
Click here to view errata for the article “Calculation of FM and AM Noise Signals of ColpittsOscillators in the Time Domain” by Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL.
Sample Article: A Digitally Tunable Band-Pass Filter
QST Companion Article: External Processing for Controlled Envelope Single Sideband
by David Hershberger, W9GR
QEX - 2015
Sample Article: A Frequency Standard for Today's WWVB
By John Magliacane, KD2BD
This article as printed in QEX has several errors on the schematic diagrams of Figures 7, 12B, 13. and 16. The corrected drawings are included in the article posted here.
Sample Article: Quality Factor, Bandwidth, and Harmonic Attenuation of Pi Networks,
By Bill Kaune, W7IEQ
Sample Article: A Low Frequency Adapter for your Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)
By Jacques Audet, VE2AZX
QEX - 2014
QEX - 2013
Sample Article: A 21 MHz Four Square Beam Antenna
By Garth Swanson, G3NPC
Companion QST article: A 21 MHz Four Square Beam Antenna
Sample Article: The HF7070 HF/LF Communications Receiver Prototype
by Colin Horrabin, G3SBI
I apologize to Gary Richardson, AA7VM, author of the "cover article" in this issue for having his call sign wrong on the cover and in the "About the Cover" box on the Table of Contents page in the printed magazine. Gary's call is correct in the cover image posted here, as well as on the Table of Contents PDF file. -- Larry Wolfgang, WR1B.
Sample Article: A Simple Yet Precise Function Generator for the Experimenter
by Rubens Fernandes, VK5FE