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  • War Veterans Monument at High Point State Park, New Jersey

    06/12/2006 | N2SE

    The 10-70 Repeater Association returned to the June QSO Party contest this year at the beautiful High Point State Park in New Jersey. At around 1750 plus feet, this is an ideal spot to set up for a contest; and we setup in the shadow of the monument, a... Read More

  • 160m vertical, view towards EU

    06/12/2006 | 6Y0A

    We've wanted to do the ARRL 160 from Jamaica for many years, but this is the first time we did it! We've got all our antennas and coax stored at the villa, but each year we try to increase the antenna efficiency, so we rebuilt the 160m vertical using ... Read More

  • View from the shack main tower, yagi and Omni at top

    06/12/2006 | XE2K

    I really enjoy the 6m openings. This time June was FUN , great openings from my grid DM22 to the East and Caribean. I got 3 New ones one week before the contest CO2OJ,HI3TEJ, HI8ROX and FM5JC made my month!! Few years without the chance to add a new... Read More

  • 06/12/2006 | AD5FD

    6 here in texas was horrible! although i heard some operators broke records even in the first 4 hours i could barely make a dent in the es clouds! i even looked at the contact map on google earth and there was a big hole over texas and surrounding st... Read More

  • 2meter Es June 10,2006

    06/12/2006 | K0AWU

    "Contest Of A Lifetime"!

    To have BOTH 6m and 2m Eskip of this magnitude during a contest is beyond what one would ever expect. The 6m Es were into EN37ed on Saturday from 18:00z- to 02:35z. The 2m Es first appeared on SoftRock based 2m panadaptor - r... Read More

  • 06/12/2006 | N8CMZ

    Great E's openings on 6 meters during the contest. Even my 5 watts ssb and dipole at 15 feet made plenty of excellent contacts in only a few hours of operation during the contest. Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning were very good ... Read More

  • K2DRH on a Sunny Day

    06/12/2006 | K2DRH

    The pre-contest maintenance list seemed simple this time since everything had made it through the winter intact. After blowing the old one up a couple times, Id finally upgraded the 2M preamp so I could run full power on 2M and play with 2M WSJT EME. ... Read More

  • Mike's van

    06/12/2006 | N4OFA/R

    What an experience! This was my first contest ever, and I was privileged to participate in it with Mike, N4OFA. We operated from Mount Mitchell, NC, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and Roan Mountain, TN.

    I had a great time, I want to do this again!

    http://www.... Read More




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