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  • Jason W6SN putting up our late-night ATV antenna and 2.4ghz Internet yagi (non contest use though :( )

    04/26/2006 | W6SN

    Good contest agian. Lots of wind up on Mt. Vaca, near Fairfield, Ca in CM88. This year we had boomers on 2m, and 432, while a 6m3 held the fort down on 6m. TS-2000 powered this year, we had 2 of them, with a amp on 432, all fed by 7/8" heliax! Yayas! T... Read More

  • W1SJ at 50mhz

    04/22/2006 | K3EAR

    We are back again this year despite all odds with a full Unlimited effort .
    Sorry about last year's Limited operation . Things have been a bit reserved
    over the past year due to my wife's long battle with cancer . It escalated over
    this past year wi... Read More

  • <p></p>

    04/17/2006 | OE4A

    Like last year we decided to operated M/2 categorie which is real fun!
    Thanks to our guest operators we improved our score for allmost 1 mil points in compare to 2005.
    Wetter was very bad with much rain and snow producing a lot QRN.
    Band condx was bett... Read More

  • The setup on Indian Rocks Beach; homebrew 3el 6m and 4el 2m Yagis, and a 20m EDZ strung between two masts of Radio Shack sections

    04/10/2006 | WA4UF

    Ok, better late than never... Field Day 2005 went pretty well for a solo operation, though vital logistical support (he watched the kids and helped put up/take down the masts) was had from my father in law (Thanks, Ray!).

    I operated for the third stra... Read More

  • 04/04/2006 | P40A

    I arrived in Aruba a few days before the contest and I quickly set up my station. I had not been there since November and I was happy to find that everything was still working. I had time to enjoy the beach for two days and I also had a nice pre-cont... Read More

  • CE2LS Team

    04/04/2006 | CE2LS

    CE2LS Team

    In the chair CE2RTF Jose,
    back L to R CE2SQE Eugenio & CA2WTT Juan. Read More

  • 03/30/2006 | IK0EIE

    Good contest,

    thanks to all for call me.73 de Bob IK0EIE.
    Web site for info http:\\ Read More

  • The K9CS Multi-S group celebrates another successful
ARRL 160 Meter Contest operating from the WB9Z station.

    03/24/2006 | K9CS

    From left, Howard AK9F, Carl K9CS, Jerry WB9Z, Don K9NR, Will K9FO.
    This group has been teamed on 160 meters for over 20 years and
    consistently places in the top ten. The 2005 effort resulted
    in 1,519 Q's, 79 US/VE sections, and 35 Countries for a tot... Read More




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