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Topic Forum Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Ft-8 has eaten PSK & Olivia on 20 meters Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Nov 5th 2017, 15:12 1 7,866 on 5/11/17
by 0001490519H80
Open a tnc for a Yaesu -vx-6? or 857d ? Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Dec 28th 2017, 15:27 1 7,672 on 28/12/17
by 0001490519H80
Open cables 4 kpc-3+ VX-6 or 857d ? Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Dec 29th 2017, 13:37 1 7,950 on 29/12/17
by 0001490519H80
Open RF power for Winmor on an 857 Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Mar 29th 2018, 18:34 1 7,775 on 29/3/18
by 0001490519H80
Open RF power for Winmor on an 857 Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Mar 29th 2018, 18:53 2 8,179 on 30/3/18
by W1VT
Open ft8 legal for field day contacts? Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Jun 9th 2018, 13:07 8 10,175 on 22/6/18
by N7CKJ
Open mobilinkd tnc for winlink? Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Jun 9th 2018, 13:13 1 7,873 on 9/6/18
by 0001490519H80
Open APRS Emergency beacon does what exactly? Digital modes and operation 0001490519H80 Oct 16th 2018, 21:56 1 8,586 on 16/10/18
by 0001490519H80
Open $300 HackRF dongle vs. $41 Ham it up? Software Defined Radio and DSP 0001490519H80 Aug 4th 2017, 13:25 4 12,396 on 26/7/19
Open What is a DMR bridge? FM and Digital repeaters 0001490519H80 Oct 14th 2016, 21:48 4 12,851 on 14/5/17
by N2ICV
Open using WinDV can't get Xreflectors --why? FM and Digital repeaters 0001490519H80 Oct 24th 2016, 18:21 2 9,363 on 26/10/16
by W1VT
Open dStar--Ref? Xref? XRF? Cowabunga! FM and Digital repeaters 0001490519H80 Mar 25th 2017, 03:38 3 10,338 on 26/3/17
by W9lrm
Open Can I work wires-x with an analog vx-6r HT? FM and Digital repeaters 0001490519H80 May 18th 2017, 12:59 3 14,013 on 29/7/18
Open Wires -x Query about access to nodes FM and Digital repeaters 0001490519H80 May 18th 2017, 14:50 3 11,269 on 18/8/17
by 0001490519H80
Open How decipher APRS traffic? FM and Digital repeaters 0001490519H80 Jul 16th 2018, 07:29 2 10,144 on 24/7/18
Open meteor scatter --how to? Propagation 0001490519H80 Mar 10th 2017, 17:58 2 11,471 on 13/3/17
by W1VT
Open Can't get A123 battery fully charged Emergency power (solar, batteries, generators) 0001490519H80 Sep 24th 2018, 15:13 1 9,452 on 24/9/18
by 0001490519H80
Open How do I recharge ,SLA battery safely? Emergency power (solar, batteries, generators) 0001490519H80 Sep 26th 2018, 18:38 2 9,875 on 27/9/18
by W1VT
Open Does Youkits hb1b have an SWR meter? QRP operation and techniques 0001490519H80 Nov 11th 2016, 10:43 2 11,076 on 15/11/16
by W1VT
Open What exactly is a "straight key"? CW operating and technical techniques 0001490519H80 Mar 10th 2017, 06:44 2 9,863 on 10/3/17

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