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General Technical Q & A

This forum provides a place for members to ask technical questions and to answer general technical questions of others. There are also specific technical areas for questions and answers, such as RFI and equipment testing.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Important Topics
Closed Sticky: How to find answers to many technical questions W1RFIAdmin Jul 26th 2011, 00:03 1 16,347 on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Closed Sticky: Members answering other members' questions W1RFIAdmin Jul 26th 2011, 00:22 1 15,052 on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Closed Sticky: Thanks to all the Elmers here! W1RFIAdmin Aug 2nd 2011, 21:18 1 14,644 on 2/8/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Regular Topics
Open New Tranceiver, Old Electric K7RMA Jun 20th 2016, 21:21 3 6,070 on 27/6/16
by K7RMA
Open Computer Hardware Ideas? K7RMA Jan 20th 2014, 18:34 8 7,013 on 12/2/14
Open RDF EQUIPMENT K7RBE Sep 22nd 2011, 22:59 1 6,583 on 22/9/11
by K7RBE
Open CME / EMP K7RAH Nov 25th 2012, 20:54 5 7,746 on 28/11/12
by K7RAH
Open wire size - QRO horizontal loop K7NSW Oct 30th 2011, 10:13 7 8,509 on 4/11/11
by gw0nvn
Open Tiger tail for an ft60 K6UDK Jun 29th 2016, 16:26 1 5,604 on 29/6/16
by K6UDK
Open Is a RF Ground Plane and/or a Bonding Bus necessary? K6PAA Oct 1st 2017, 12:58 3 6,144 on 8/10/17
by K6PAA
Open Power loss from TX INSIDE a ROOM? K6PAA Oct 3rd 2018, 16:37 5 6,388 on 24/10/18
by K6PAA
Open Does "40 W" on HF equal the same "40 W" of a "40 W" lightbulb? K6PAA Jul 31st 2019, 17:52 6 6,212 on 5/8/19
by K6PAA
Open My Inverted V's PLASTIC COATING has all peeled off. Is this a problem? K6PAA Jun 19th 2019, 12:23 4 6,315 on 21/6/19
by K6PAA
Open I TX on 1 freq, but it is RXd on LOWER freqs!? K6PAA Feb 14th 2018, 13:40 5 6,499 on 16/2/18
by K6PAA
Open % Energy lost with Inverter to pwr COMPUTER? K6PAA Jun 15th 2018, 14:07 2 6,682 on 24/7/18
Open How get Fldigi FOR **MAC** onto a USB flash drive? K6PAA Dec 7th 2017, 13:17 1 6,338 on 7/12/17
by K6PAA
Open HF for remote wilderness emergency in western US? K6PAA Mar 14th 2017, 22:14 3 5,731 on 16/3/17
by K6PAA
Open How power a Yaesu FT-65 handheld DIRECTLY from a battery? K6PAA Nov 19th 2020, 17:49 3 5,159 on 21/11/20
by K6PAA
Open Alternative to PSK31 in POOR CONDITIONS? K6PAA Nov 19th 2017, 20:19 4 5,859 on 4/12/17
by K6PAA
Open Portable Battery Operation GROUNDING? K6PAA Jul 16th 2017, 21:21 3 6,037 on 17/7/17
by K6PAA
Open 440 / 70 cm YAGI-type antenna for my HT? K6PAA Nov 8th 2020, 12:59 3 5,292 on 9/11/20
by K6PAA
Open Is there a Category for OLIVIA for Field Day? K6PAA May 29th 2018, 10:55 3 6,639 on 23/5/19
by K6PAA
Open What is the maximum length of posts? K6PAA Jun 21st 2017, 20:39 1 6,058 on 21/6/17
by K6PAA
Total Topics: 605 Increases Post Count: No Can Read Topics: Yes Can Create Topics: No
Total Posts: 1755 Auto-Lock Topics: No Can Reply: No Can Create Polls: No
Moderators: w1rfi

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