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Joined: Sat, Jun 4th 2016, 21:30 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Tiger tail for an ft60 Jun 29th 2016, 16:26 1 5,612 on 29/6/16
Mobile antennas for hand held yaesu ft60 Jun 9th 2016, 15:51 3 6,594 on 5/8/16

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Tiger tail for an ft60 K6UDK on 29/6/16
I have an ft60 with a diamond srh77 antenna. Will a tiger tail increase my antenna capability. What about the dual band isssue vs tail length? Bob Pollard K6UDK.
Mobile antennas for hand held yaesu ft60 K6UDK on 9/6/16
I am a fairly new ham and a local CERT member. Also getting involved in the ares/races aspect. Interested in a good portable vehicle mount antenna I can use with my ft60. Any suggestions? Must be able to make portable with any vehicle. Bob K6UDK.

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