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  • 08/08/2015 | Anniversary of the Flight of the Blimp "Snow Goose" to the Arctic Circle

    Aug 8, 1300Z-2000Z, K1USN & W1NAS, South Weymouth, MA. K1USN Radio Club & Shea Naval Aviation Museum Amateur Radio Club. 14.260 7.260. QSL. Steve Cohn, 10 Hemlock Terr, Randolph, MA 02368. Commemorating the flight of the blimp "Snow Goose" from the South Weymouth Naval Air Station to the Arctic Circle and back while the submarine USS Nautilus was under the polar ice cap. Other freqs and modes as equipment and operators available. VE session at the Museum at 08:30., or

  • 08/08/2015 | CCC on the air weekend Ceadervilel State Forest

    Aug 8-Aug 9, 1400Z-2100Z, W3C, Brandywine, MD. Ceaderville State Forest, friends of KB3WUM and himself. 21.250 14.250 7.250 3.950. Certificate & QSL. Jack Estevez, KB3WUM, 11610 Gilbert Ln, La Plata, MD 20646. The Civilian Conservation Corps came into being in the spring of 1933. It's goal was twofold: to provide needed economic relief to families suffering from the effects of the Great Depression and to protect and develop the natural resources of the United States. CCC Amateur Radio Ops strives to honor the contribution that "The Boys" of the corps made to our country and to our natural environment. As radio played a big part in how the camps communicated with each other, our goal is to put the sites of the CCC camps back on the air. To reqest QSL or cretificate please send 11x7 SASE. or

  • 08/08/2015 | CCC On-The -Air

    Aug 8-Aug 9, 1400Z-2100Z, KG8JK, Petoskey, MI. Civilian Conservation Corps Amateur Radio Operators. SSB: 28.350 21.250 14.250 7.250 3.950; CW: 28.050 21.050 14.050 7.050 3.550. Certificate. Dirk Esterline, 3106 Greenfield Dr, Petoskey, MI 49770. The second annual CCC On-The-Air weekend will be held the second full weekend in August, 2015. The event will start Saturday at 14:00z (10:00am EDT) and run until Sunday 21:00z (5:00 pm EDT).We would encourage you to activate the actual location of one of the camps however, if it is no longer accessible or you cannot get permission to set up on the site, you may operate from one of the project sites the camp worked on. Many state local parks have buildings that were constructed by the "CCC Boys" and would make a suitable place to not only honor them but also promote amateur radio at the same time. Our goal is to make contacts between as many of the camps as possible and to contact as many amateur radio operators as possible. This is a work in progress so any ideas would be welcome. We would like to present certificates to all groups that activate a camp and possibly certificates for anyone contacting a certain number of camps. You may want to make a QSL card for the event showcasing the CCC company that you are representing. We will attempt to post a listing of all the participating camps so be sure to let us know which camp and Co# you wish to activate.

  • 08/08/2015 | CCC On-The-Air: Cheaha State Park

    Aug 8-Aug 9, 1400Z-0200Z, W4K, Delta, AL. Calhoun County Amateur Radio Association. 14.250 7.250. QSL. David Dostie, AE9Q, 288 Liberty Ln, Anniston, AL 36207.

  • 08/08/2015 | Civilian Conservation Corps On-the-Air in Oklahoma

    Aug 8-Aug 9, 1322Z-1322Z, W5KS, Lawton, OK. Lawton – Ft Sill Amateur Radio Club (LFSARC). 7.275 14.325 21.295 50.130. Certificate & QSL. Lawton – Ft Sill Amateur Radio Club (LFSARC), PO Box 892, Lawton, OK 73502.

  • 08/08/2015 | GB2VJ Commemorating the 70th anniversary of VJ day in Europe and USA

    Aug 8-Sep 4, 0000Z-0000Z, GB2VJ, London, GREAT BRITAIN. Essex CW Club, England. 21.042 14.042 10.022 7.022. QSL. Steve G4ZUL, 1 Church Rd, Laindon, Essex SS15 4EH, GREAT BRITAIN.

  • 08/08/2015 | Grassy Island Range Lighthouses

    Aug 8, 1400Z-1800Z, K9EAM, Green Bay, WI. Green Bay Mike & Key Club. 21.365 14.265 7.265 3.915. Certificate. David Catalano, N8KQS, 2937 Beth Dr, Green Bay, WI 54311.

  • 08/08/2015 | USS Midway Museum Ship USCG Birthday and Purple Heart Day Special Event

    Aug 8, 1600Z-2300Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250; PSK31 14.070; D-STAR REF 1C. QSL. USS Midway Museum Ship Radio Room, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.


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