07/18/2015 | Registers Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa
Jul 18-Jul 25, 0800Z-1600Z, W0R, Sioux City, IA. Team Megacycles. 21.240 21.040 14.240 14.040. QSL. Michael Nickolaus, 316 E 32nd St, South Sioux City, NE 68776. To commemorate the annual RABGRAI and Team Megacycles 26th of riding across Iowa, we will be on the air as time permits.
07/19/2015 | Winnebago-Itasca Travelers Grand National Rally
Jul 19-Jul 20, 1400Z-2200Z, W0WIT, Forest City, IA. WITRADIO CLUB. 14.268 7.263 147.27+ IRLP and Echolink. QSL. Lois Maas, 3700 S Westport Ave #2242, Sioux Falls, SD 57106. www.orgsites.com/ia/witcars
07/20/2015 | 12th Haarlem Jamborette
Jul 20-Aug 10, 0000Z-2359Z, PA12HJ, Spaanweoude, NETHERLANDS. International Scout Camp. 14.290 7.090 21.360 18.140. QSL. Luc, PA9LUC, PO Box 2213, 2301 CE LEIDEN, NETHERLANDS. From July 24 till August 6 during the ticket programme between 08.00-10.00 and 12.00-14.00 UTC scouts may talk themselves. Be so kind to contact us than. www.haarlemjamborette.nl
07/20/2015 | Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Jul 20, 1300Z-2030Z, K2CAM, Garden City, NY. Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club. 28.440 21.340 14.240. QSL. LIMARC, Apollo Event, PO Box 341, Levittown, NY 11756. SASE please. More info at www.qrz.com/db/k2cam or limarc.org
07/20/2015 | Brickyard 400 Special Event
Jul 20-Jul 26, 2200Z-2200Z, W9IMS, Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC. 3.840 7.240 14.245 21.350. Certificate & QSL. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, PO Box 30954, Indianapolis, IN 46230. www.qrz.com/db/w9ims
07/20/2015 | EAA Warbirds AirVenture
Jul 20-Jul 25, 1400Z-2100Z, W9W, Oshkosh, WI. Warbirds of America. 28.425 21.235 14.250 7.225. QSL. Ed Finnegan, 69 Mohawk St, Cary, IL 60013. All Warbird members with current amateur licenses are invited to operate W9W during daylight hours. Non-licensed Warbird members may participate under the supervision of a licensed amateur operator. The station will be located on the Warbird grounds near Warbird HQ. QSL via K9ECF with SASE. More info: KC9JI, mentor51@aol.com, Ed@FinneganAviationServices.com or www.warbirds-eaa.org
07/22/2015 | EAA Airventure 2015
Jul 22-Jul 26, 1300Z-2100Z, W9ZL, Appleton, WI. Fox Cities Amatuer Radio Club. 50.150 14.270 7.250. Certificate. FCARC - EAA 2015, PO Box 2346, Appleton, WI 54912. fcarc.us
07/24/2015 | Ham Holiday 2015
Jul 24-Jul 25, 0000Z-1800Z, N5M, Oklahoma City, OK. Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs. 14.266. QSL. Sam Sitton, W5CU, PO Box 48, Edmond, OK 73083.