07/24/2015 | Swiss Days
Jul 24-Jul 25, 1300Z-2000Z, W9A, Berne, IN. Adams County Amateur Radio Club. 14.270 7.035. QSL. Wayne Steury, 817 West Main, Berne, IN 46711. wb9kqo.com
07/25/2015 | 2015 Detroit Maker Faire
Jul 25-Jul 27, 1300Z-2200Z, N8M, Dearborn, MI. Ford Amateur Radio League. 10 - 28.400 SSB, 28.170 CW; 20 - 14.250 SSB, 14.130 CW; 40 - 7.270 SSB, 7.100 CW; 80 - 3.900 SSB, 3.55 CW. Certificate & QSL. FARL, PO Box 2711, Dearborn, MI 48123. Satellite Contacts will be attempted. QSL Cards will go out as postcards. Certificates will be created on request. In Operation while The Henry Ford is open, 9-6 EDT. k8utt.org
07/25/2015 | SS Andrea Doria Sinking
Jul 25-Jul 29, 0000Z-2359Z, N9D, Muskego, WI. KC9HYY. 28.365 21.250 14.265 7.230. QSL. Nathan Banks, Attn Andrea Doria SES, PO Box 324, Muskego, WI 53150. Remembering the 46 lives that were lost in the sinking of the SS Andrea Doria on July 26, 1951. Please send SASE to address listed on QRZ with attention to Andrea Doria Event. SSB/PSK31. Operations at or near frequencies listed above. www.qrz.com/db/kc9hyy
07/30/2015 | 40th Anniversary of Hoffa Disappearance
Jul 30-Aug 2, 1200Z-1200Z, W9H, Indianapolis, IN. KB9BVN. 7.030 14.060 7.200. QSL. KB9BVN, 47 Grassy Dr, Whiteland, IN 46184. We will try to be on CW and SSB - stay tuned for further updates.
08/01/2015 | Baseball Around the Clock
Aug 1, 1300Z-2259Z, W0W, Wichita, KS. Wichita Amateur Radio Club. 28.483 21.283 14.283 7.283. Certificate & QSL. Marc Hammann, 2241 Ellis, Wichita, KS 67211. Special Event operates from Historic Lawrence Dumont Stadium during "Baseball Around the Clock." This is the site of the 81st Annual National Baseball Congress World Series in Wichita, KS. Stations working W0W earn a colorful certificate. To receive a certificate stations should submit their QSL along with a 8 1/2 x 11 SASE or $2.00 to K0VFW, 2241 Ellis, Wichita, KS 67211. Deadline for QSL cards is 09/30/2015. More information available on the W0W page at QRZ.com. www.warc1.org
08/01/2015 | Coast Guard Birthday
Aug 1-Aug 2, 1400Z-1600Z, K4US, Alexandria, VA. Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club. 21.275 14.275 7.050. QSL. MVARC, PO Box 7234, Alexandria, VA 22307. mvarc.org
08/02/2015 | 37th Annual Mahoning Valley Olde Car Club Show
Aug 2, 1300Z-2100Z, W8C, Youngstown, OH. Mahoning Valley Amateur Radio Association. 7.225. Certificate. David Salmen, 113 Fairview Ave #7, Canfield, OH 44406. W8C is a special event station celebrating the 37th annual Mahoning Valley Olde Car Club Annual Car Show. The MVOCC was founded in 1978 by a small group of Mahoning Valley residents with a common interest in old cars. The first outdoor car show was held in August of 1979 and since then is slated for the first Sunday in August, every year. We offer a printable certificate for QSO’s with the W8C station by email from the address below. Optionally we will mail a printed certificate to requests mailed to the address below. If requesting a printed certificate please include $2.00 to cover postage and handling. DO NOT send a “SASE” (self addressed stamped envelope), we will provide the envelope. If emailing please put “Rally Certificate” in the subject line. In either case include your name and call . Email: wb8iba@yahoo.com; Address: Dave Salmen 113 Fairview Ave #7 Canfield, Ohio 44406 https://kd8nzf.wordpress.com
08/02/2015 | US Coast Guard 225th Birthday
Aug 2-Aug 3, 1400Z-0400Z, K1CG, Port Angeles, WA. US Coast Guard CW Operators Assoc. 21.327 21.052 14.327 14.052 7.227 7.052 3.827 3.552. QSL. Fred Goodwin, 424 N Bagley Ck Rd, Port Angeles, WA 98362. CW contacts, please QSL to station worked directly without SASE. Voice contacts, QSL with SASE to W5CGC. See URL for information. www.qrz.com/db/k1cg