08/22/2015 | Tucson Arizona's 240th Birthday
Aug 22, 1600Z-2000Z, WE7GV, Green Valley, AZ. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.246 14.244 14.242. Certificate & QSL. Green Valley ARC, 601 N La Canada Dr (SAV), Green Valley, AZ 85614. GVARC.US
08/22/2015 | 35th Annual Cedars of Lebanon Hamfest Special Event Station
Aug 22, 1300Z-1930Z, K4C, Lebanon, TN. Short Mountain Repeater Association. 14.275 7.275. Certificate & QSL. Mark Perry, K4EZS , PO Box 148813, Nashville, TN 37214. Send 9 x 12 SASE for the certificate and QSL. Station will be on generator power at the Cedars of Lebanon State Park. markperry46@gmail.com
08/22/2015 | Breezwood Abandon Turnpike Tunnel
Aug 22, 1300Z-2000Z, W3T, Harrisburg, PA. Harrisburg Radio Amateurs' Club. 7.261 14.261. QSL. Terry Snyder WB3BKN, PO Box 355, Halifax, PA 17032-03. In 1968 several tunnels on the Pennsylvania Turnpike were closed to traffic. Nature has reclaimed some of the road leading to them and the tunnels are no longer maintained. Although closed to traffic they have become a popular walking, and biking trail, realizing up to 100 visitors a day. It is a free site to visit. We are using this to introduce people to amateur radio. www.w3uu.org
08/22/2015 | National Park Service Birthday
Aug 22, 1500Z-2359Z, W7SVD, Coronado National Memorial, AZ. Sierra Vista Contesting Club. SSB 7.185, 14.275, 21.285, 28.350; CW 7.050, 14.050, 21.050, 28.050; PSK-31 Freqs. QSL. W7SVD, 3707 Elder Ct, Sierra Vista, AZ 85650. Celebrating establishment of the National Park Service August 25, 1916, operating from Montezuma Pass high in the Huachuca Mountains of SE Arizona.
08/26/2015 | Hurricane Katrina 10th Anniversary Week-Long Special Event: Aug 26 - Sept 2 (Mississippi)
Aug 26-Sep 2, 0000Z-2359Z, K5H + others, Multiple QTHs, MS. Thanks to the 599 DX Association & Hattiesburg (MS) ARC for help in making this event possible. Multiple bands/modes. Certificate. Larry Morgan, AG5Z, 96 Oak Haven Road, Purvis, MS 39475. katrina5h.com
08/27/2015 | Burning Man - catalyst for creative culture in the world
Aug 27-Sep 9, 1900Z-1900Z, K5E, Black Rock City, NV. KI5DQ. 14.265 7.265 3.865. QSL. James Hunt, KI5DQ, 1026 S Valentine Dr, Sherman, TX 75090. Black Rock City - host of 70,000+ people with self expression in global ART Displays within the harsh Nevada Desert. This event is unplugged from society - no cellphone, WiFi, or other municipal services. Amateur Radio and of satellite phone service are the only communication sources. www.qrz.com/db/K5E
08/27/2015 | Clovis Music Festival Special Event Station.
Aug 27-Aug 30, 1500Z-0259Z, N5V, Clovis, NM. Eastern New Mexico Amateur Radio Club. 14.285 7.225 3.850. Certificate. Downloadable,, information will be given on-air., Clovis, NM 88101. Clovis Music Festival Special Events Station Operating from the Rock and Roll Museum in Clovis New Mexico. Hosted by Eastern New Mexico Amateur Radio Club KA5B. The Club will be operating in the Voice Portions of 80, 40, 20 meter bands. A certificate will be available for stations to download. Instructions to receive a certificate will be given over the air. www.ka5b.org
08/29/2015 | 100th Anniversary of Teton County, Idaho
Aug 29, 1500Z-2359Z, W7T, Driggs, ID. Teton Valley Radio Amateur Club. 21.300 14.250 7.200. Certificate. TVRAC, PO Box 1552, Driggs, ID 83422. tetonvalleyradio@gmail.com