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  • 08/03/2015 | Indianapolis MotoGP Special Event

    Aug 3-Aug 9, 2200Z-2200Z, W9IMS, Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC. 3.840 7.240 14.245 21.350. Certificate & QSL. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, PO Box 30954, Indianapolis, IN 46230.

  • 08/03/2015 | National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) 2015

    Aug 3-Aug 7, 1700Z-1700Z, K2BSA/8, Okemos, MI. Order of the Arrow, Boy Scout of America. 14.270 7.270. QSL. Frederick J Donkin, 6092 Contadora Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84128. The Order of the Arrow honor camping organization of the Boy Scouts of America is celebrating its 100th anniversary at the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NAOC). The station will be located on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing Michigan. We will be operating primarily operating on 20 meters SSB, but will work CW and 40 meters as time and resources permit. QSL via Logbook of the World.

  • 08/04/2015 | Barrington NJ National Night Out

    Aug 4-Aug 5, 0400Z-0800Z, K2AUD, Barrington, NJ. Audubon Amateur Radio Club. 147.225 + PL 192.5 (Wires X enabled) 14.260 +/- 7.200 +/-. Certificate & QSL. Audubon Amateur Radio Club, 117 Oak St, Audubon, NJ 08106. We will be participating in the National Night Out 2015. We will do our best to operate on the above frequencies. We will be on the air Tuesday August 4th 2015 from 5pm EDT to 9pm EDT, hoping to contact other Amateur Radio Stations or Clubs participating in National Night Out 2015. Operating times could be extended depending on conditions and amount of contacts.

  • 08/07/2015 | Billy The Kid Pageant/Old Lincoln Days

    Aug 7-Aug 9, 0900Z-1800Z, K5B, Lincoln Historic Site, NM. Sierra Blanca Amateur Radio Club. 14.250 14.035 7.230 7.035. QSL. Billy the Kid, PO Box 773, Ruidoso, NM 88355. This is the first time for this SES so we're going to use all the available time for the call sign. The dates and times stated above occur within the Old Lincoln Days celebration and contacts are guaranteed to be from within the Lincoln Historic Site.

  • 08/07/2015 | Indiana State Fair

    Aug 7-Aug 24, 1300Z-1300Z, W9ISF, Indianapolis, IN. Indiana State Fair ARC. 28.400 14.245 7.240. QSL. Ken Bandy, 7405 E County Rd 900 N, Brownsburg, IN 46112.

  • 08/07/2015 | Lightship Nantucket Beacon Re-Lighting and Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2015

    Aug 7-Aug 16, 0000Z-2359Z, N1N, East Boston, MA. Nantucket Lightship/LV-112 Amateur Radio Club. 14.255. QSL. Nantucket Lightship ARC, W1NLS, 132 Killam Hill Road, Boxford, MA 01921.

  • 08/08/2015 | 146th Boulder Colorado County Fair

    Aug 8, 1200Z-1700Z, W0E, Longmont, CO. Longmont Amateur Radio Club. 28.460 14.255. QSL. Doug Altman, 1641 Hartley Ct, Longmont, CO 80501.

  • 08/08/2015 | Anniversary of the Flight of the Blimp "Snow Goose" to the Arctic Circle

    Aug 8, 1300Z-2000Z, W1NAS & K1USN, South Weymouth, MA. K1USN Radio Club & Shean Naval Aviation Museum Amateur Radio Club. 14.260 7.260. QSL. Steve Cohn, 10 Hemlock Terr, Randolph, MA 02368. Commemorating the flight of the blimp "Snow Goose" from the South Weymouth Naval Air Station to the Arctic Circle and back while the submarine USS Nautilus was under the polar ice cap. Other freqs and modes as equipment and operators available. VE session at the Museum at 08:30. QSL w/SASE via Steve Cohn, W1OD, 10 Hemlock Terrace, Randolph, MA 02368. and


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