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  • 08/29/2015 | 125th Anniversary of Casar, NC

    Aug 29, 0900Z-2359Z, K4C, Lawndale, NC. W4JL David Ledford . PSK 14.070 7.070; 14.262 7.262. Certificate. David Ledford , 2333 Curt Ledford Rd , Lawndale, NC 28090.

  • 08/29/2015 | 50th Tri-State Antique Engine and Tractor Show

    Aug 29-Aug 30, 1200Z-0200Z, W9JCA, Portland, IN. Jay County Amateur Radio Club. 14.240 14.050 7.268 7.035. QSL. Francis Betts, 3351 W State Rd 26, Portland, IN 47371.

  • 08/29/2015 | Bhul Day Celebration, 100th Anniversary, at Buhl Farm Park

    Aug 29-Sep 7, 0900Z-1800Z, W3B, Hermitage, PA. Mercer County Amateur Radio Club. 145.350 14.245 7.240 3.840. QSL. Mercer County Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 996, Sharon, PA 16146. We will have operators during the week prior to Buhl Day on Sept. 7, 2015. A commemorative QSL will be available with SASE. Look for us on other frequencies and as spotted.

  • 08/29/2015 | Hurricanes Katrina & Rita 10th anniversary

    Aug 29, 1400Z-2000Z, K5R, Hammond, LA. Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (SELARC). 14.255 14.155 7.250 7.200. QSL. SELARC, K5R, PO Box 1324, Hammond, LA 70404. CW operations possibly at 7.050 and 14.050. All frequencies +/- QRM. In August & September of 2005, Hurricanes Katrina & Rita made landfall in the states of Louisiana and Texas respectively. Hurricane Katrina was the eleventh named storm and fifth hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It was the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States. Hurricane Rita was the fourth–most intense Atlantic hurricane ever recorded and the most intense tropical cyclone ever observed in the Gulf of Mexico. When all else failed, hams from across the nation assisted with establishing communications into and out of the entire gulf coast area. Members of SELARC will be commemorating the 10th anniversaries of these two devastating storms on the day that Katrina made landfall near Buras, LA.

  • 08/30/2015 | Hollenberg Pony Express Festival celebrating the 155th Anniversary of the Pony Express

    Aug 30, 1430Z-2100Z, K0ASA, Hanover, KS. Crown Amateur Radio Association. 18.085 14.245 14.045 7.045. Certificate & QSL. Crown Amateur Radio Association, 11551 W 176th Ter, Olathe, KS 66062.

  • 09/01/2015 | 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Indiana Masonic Home

    Sep 1-Nov 30, 0000Z-2359Z, W9IMH, Franklin, IN. Indiana Masonic Home Amateur Radio Club. 14.320 10.120 7.270 3.970. QSL. W9IMH , c/o Fran Carter, KC9WLI, 690 S State St, Franklin, IN 46131.

  • 09/01/2015 | Special Promotion Event : Groene Hart

    Sep 1-Sep 28, 1300Z-1200Z, PD2015GH, BOSKOOP, NETHERLANDS. Area Amateurs. 14.200 7.090 28.450. QSL. M Voskuilen, PD0MV, Look on , QRZ, NETHERLANDS.

  • 09/03/2015 | 193rd Great Geauga County Fair

    Sep 3-Sep 7, 1500Z-2200Z, W8G, Burton, OH. Geauga Amateur Radio Association. 14.280 7.245. QSL. Jackie Williams, N8JMW, PO Box 192, Windsor, OH 44099.


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