07/05/2015 | Whiskey Rebellion Festival Washington, Pennsylvania
Jul 5-Jul 13, 1900Z-2300Z, W3R, Washington, PA. WACOM Washington Amateur Communications. 21.360 14.270 7.275 3.865. Certificate & QSL. Bill Steffey, 401 Bells Lake Rd, Radio Hill, Prosperity, PA 15329. Info on Festival: http://whiskeyrebellionfestival.com/. A graphic of the certificate will be available on the WACOM web site, just prior to the event. wacomarc.org
07/11/2015 | Ashland Harbor Breakwater Light Centennial Celebration, Ashland, WI
Jul 11, 1400Z-2200Z, W9L, Ashland, WI. Clarence Campbell, N9XIM. 14.270 7.270. Certificate. Clarence Campbell, 1014 Chapple Ave, Ashland, WI 54806. Special Event celebrating the centennial of the Ashland (WI) Harbor Breakwater Light on Lake Superior. This special event station is part of the centennial celebration of the light sponsored by the Ashland Historical Society. Certificate: $2. Card: SASE. Please, no e-QSLs.
07/11/2015 | Commemorating Alliance, OH as the home of Taylorcraft Aviation
Jul 11, 1400Z-2000Z, KD8MQ, Alliance, OH. Alliance Amateur Radio Club. 28.260 21.260 14.260 7.260. Certificate & QSL. John Myers, 910 W Mill St, Alliance, OH 44601. We will be operating SSB, on these frequencies. Other bands, & modes may be attempted. Check our QRZ page for details www.w8lky.org
07/11/2015 | Great River Shakespeare Festival
Jul 11-Jul 12, 1500Z-2100Z, N2B, Winona, MN. Winona Amateur Radio Club. 14.265 7.265. Certificate. Winona ARC -- N2B, PO Box 1264, Winona, MN 55987. www.w0ne.org
07/11/2015 | Red River Bridge War Special Event Station
Jul 11, 1400Z-2300Z, W5I, Cartwright, OK. Grayson County Amateur Radio Club. 14.250 14.070 7.250 7.070. QSL. Grayson County Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 642, Sherman, TX 75091. www.k5gcc.org
07/11/2015 | USS Midway Museum Ship Independence Day Special Event
Jul 11, 1600Z-2300Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250 PSK31 14.070 D-STAR REF 1C. QSL. USS Midway Museum Ship Radio Room, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.
07/12/2015 | 75th anniversary of the Chance Vought F4U Corsair's 1st flight.
Jul 12, 1200Z-2359Z, K4U, Ansonia, CT. The Connecticut Radio Society. 7265 14265 18165 21365. Certificate. The Connecticut Radio Society, 26 Thompson Street, Shelton, CT 06484.
07/13/2015 | Corvette Homecoming
Jul 13-Jul 19, 1500Z-2359Z, K4C, Bowling Green, KY. Kentucky Colonels Amatuer Radio Club. 28.460 14.260 7.260 3.816. Certificate. Edward Gann, 445 Elrod Rd, Bowling Green, KY 42104. $2 for certificate kcarconline.com