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  • 06/13/2015 | Band of Buzzards EL79 Mini-DXpedition

    Jun 13-Jun 15, 1800Z-0259Z, K4E, Carrabelle, FL. LaGrange Amateur Radio Club. 50.155 50.095 144.225 432.125. QSL. LaGrange Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 1731, Lagrange, GA 30241. During the June ARRL VHF Contest, the LaGrange Amateur Radio Club "Band of Buzzards" will be operating a special event station in the uncommon grid EL79 in Northwest Florida. Commemorating the arrival of the Marquis de LaFayette in 1825 and using callsign K4E, we will be operating on VHF/UHF bands and will attempt EME contacts.

  • 06/13/2015 | Bantam Jeep Heritage Festival

    Jun 13, 1600Z-2200Z, K3J, Butler, PA. Butler County Amateur Radio Association, Inc. 7.230. QSL. Butler Co Amateur Radio Assoc Inc, PO Box 1787, Butler, PA 16001.

  • 06/13/2015 | Green Valley Amateur Radio Club 34th Anniversary

    Jun 13, 1600Z-2000Z, WE7GV, Green Valley, AZ. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.246 14.244 14.242. Certificate & QSL. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club, 601 N La Canada , Green Valley, AZ 85614.

  • 06/13/2015 | Jimmy Stewart Airport Festival

    Jun 13-Jun 14, 1400Z-2000Z, W3BMD, Indiana, PA. Indiana County Amateur Radio Club. 14.270 7.230. QSL. Indiana County Amateur Radio Club, 88 McLain Rd, Indiana, PA 15701. Times are daily. Possible 10 and 15 meter operation.

  • 06/13/2015 | Narragansett Bay Islands

    Jun 13-Aug 31, 1400Z-2100Z, W1SYE, Newport, RI. Newport County Radio Club. 28.450 21.285 14.260 7.240. Certificate & QSL. Jim Sammons, PO Box 3103, Newport, RI 02840. Roger Williams and Miantonomi Bay Islands. Multiple island and light activations throughout summer.

  • 06/19/2015 | 100th Anniversary of Dixie Highway

    Jun 19-Jun 20, 1700Z-2200Z, W9D, Homewood, IL. Tri-Town Radio Amateur Club. 14.700 7.270. Certificate. Tricia Jaggard, 17609 Golfview Ave, Homewood, IL 60430. Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Dixie Highway from Blue Island, IL to Momence, IL. We will have operators during the week prior to event up to June 20. Look for us on other frequencies too.

  • 06/19/2015 | 2015 Royal Rangers Rangerfest

    Jun 19-Jun 21, 1700Z-2100Z, K9J, Hartford City, IN. Indiana Royal Rangers - Outpost 135 . 28.435. QSL. Jerry Barnes, 601 Spring St, Madison, IN 47250.

  • 06/20/2015 | 70th Anniversary of the SS American Victory Launching

    Jun 20, 1400Z-2100Z, W4AVM, Tampa, FL. American Victory Radio Club. 14.055 CW 14.325 SSB. QSL. W4REX, 6507 La Mesa Cir, Tampa, FL 33634. We will be operating one transmitter aboard ship and rotate between CW and SSB.


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