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  • 06/20/2015 | Fort Meigs Muster on the Maumee

    Jun 20-Jun 21, 1300Z-2130Z, W8FO, Perrysburg, OH. QCWA Chapter 142. 50.150 21.250 14.250 14.050 7.250. QSL. QCWA Chapter 142, W8FO, 3680 Schneider Rd, Toledo, OH 43614.

  • 06/20/2015 | Grissom Air Museum Fly-In

    Jun 20-Jun 21, 1300Z-1900Z, W9G, Peru, IN. Kokomo and Miami County (IN) Amateur Radio Clubs. 21.280 14.230 7.180. QSL. Kokomo Amateur Radio Club, 717 Marsha Dr, Kokomo, IN 46902. CW operations will be 35 kHz up from the lower band limit.

  • 06/20/2015 | L.E.E.K Annual Open House

    Jun 20, 1500Z-2300Z, N3PC, Coudersport, PA. Headwaters Amateur Radio Club. SSB and CW within the general portion of the 20 and 40 meter bands.. Certificate & QSL. Headwaters Amateur Radio Club, c/o Wayne Em Stahler II, 887 Black Hole Rd, Coudersport, PA 16915. This special event station will operate during the L.E.E.K Annual Open House. L.E.E.K Hunting and Mountain Preserve is a volunteer run facility in Oswayo, PA that provides hunting, fishing, and recreational experiences for disabled veterans. For additional information about L.E.E.K, please visit Please visit URL (or search N3PC on QRZ) for proper QSL procedure.

  • 06/20/2015 | Museums on the Air

    Jun 20-Jun 21, 1000Z-1700Z, GN4OMA, Omagh, Country Tyrone, NORTHERN IRELAND. West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club. HF, VHF/UHF. EchoLink and digital modes. QSL. John Martin, 2I0OMA, 23 Winters Gardens, Omagh BT790DZ, NORTHERN IRELAND.

  • 06/21/2015 | Clovis Moonlight Madness

    Jun 21-Jun 29, 1700Z-1700Z, K6M, Clovis, CA. Clovis Independent Four Wheelers. 14.345 7.245. QSL. Greg Waters, 403 E Hillcrest, Fresno, CA 93720. Sierra National Forest overlooking the San Joaquin Valley from Bald Mountain look-out tower (maidenhead: DM07JC), elevation 7862 ft. Operating as 2A station from base camp for Field Day and OHV fundraiser poker event.

  • 06/26/2015 | Edgar Fest 2015

    Jun 26-Jun 27, 1000Z-2300Z, KC0UUF, Edgar, NE. KC0UUF. 14.270 14.230 14.070 7.180. QSL. Dustin Williams, PO Box 223, Edgar, NE 68935.

  • 06/27/2015 | 2015 Royal Rangers Northern Section NJ Powwow Amateur Radio Event

    Jun 27, 1400Z-2100Z, N2R, Lebanon, NJ. Royal Rangers Northern Section NJ . 14.250 21.310 28.410. Certificate & QSL. Lawrence Stewart, O Hensyn Village 4A, Budd Lake, NJ 07828. We will operating HF 80 to 15 meters on Phone, CW and PSK. Also we will attempt to use FM satellite S050 and maybe the ISS if possible.

  • 06/27/2015 | ARRL FIELD DAY 2015

    Jun 27-Jun 28, 0000Z-2000Z, WP4CRG, Aguadilla, PR. Caribbean Amateur Radio Group . 14.280 21.310 28.400 146.520. Certificate & QSL. Send email to request, the e-certificate and your QSL via WP4CRG., Lares, PR 00669.


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