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  • NA4CW operating position January 2006

    03/12/2006 | NA4CW

    Both best and worst contest ever for me. Doing 15m HP single band effort instead of my usual QRP. Cable to beam failed when I turned rig on Saturday AM for start of opening to EU. Two hours later was back on air running in excess of 200 - never done t... Read More

  • Scott (KP2/NE1RD) operating from St. John USVI

    03/12/2006 | KP2/NE1RD

    I operated from a little house atop a hill on St.
    John, USVI as a "100 pound DXpedition", carrying
    everything I needed for the contest on the airplane.
    It was very interesting to "be the DX"! The low bands
    were crazy as was 20m but I was able to susta... Read More

  • 03/12/2006 | PS2T

    Hi Folks:
    Has being nice to fight against the propagation during all the ARRL DX SSB Contest last weekend.
    My station here in Ararquara has only three towers but the location is quite good in the country side.
    Thanks for being on my log!
    Will be a plea... Read More

  • 160 foot tower next to radio ops

    03/12/2006 | C6APG

    Despite losing 3.5 hours of prime operating time due to seven power failures, I, Bob, Pete, and Bruce all had a great time in the Bahamas! The Lucaya end of Grand Bahama island is quiet, pretty, and lends itself to contest operating (usually without p... Read More

  • GW4BLE catches up on the Daily News during a lull in activity

    03/11/2006 | GW4BLE

    Operating single band 15 meters was a bit s-l-o-w from this part of Europe....

    Even had time to read the newspaper..... Read More

  • My Phone Contest Mascot - a replica of the Solomon Telekom Logo (H4).

    03/09/2006 | VK2CZ

    Hi all,
    Fixing the hairpin match on my big 10m yagi on Saturday, was only able to get on-air during day 2 of the event as a single band 10m entry. A token effort, managing a bunch of QSOs with Florida and one with Hawaii. Hearing a couple of CA statio... Read More

  • The IC-7800 Tranceiver

    03/08/2006 | HB9DHG

    Hi All,

    I worked few hours for the ARRL DX SSB contest. It was a pleasure to work some nice signals in the heart of the Europe. Good signals only after 02:30pm local time, and workable until 5:00-06:00pm. I choosed to work only 15m just to beginn warmi... Read More

  • 03/08/2006 | N8CMZ

    Operated with 5 watts on 15 meters with a Yaesu FT-817 to an Outbacker Joey vertical on my back patio. Conditions on 15 meters were very poor from Ohio during the entire contest. I struggled to make DX contacts, but did manage to make a few. Next conte... Read More




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