05/01/2015 | Rocky Mountain National Park 100th Anniversary Celebration
May 1-Oct 31, 1200Z-1200Z, WB0ZRD, Estes Park. Paul Anderson. 14.250 21.325 28.450. QSL. Paul Anderson, 12279 Deerfield Way, Broomfield, CO 80020. I will on the air from Rocky Mountain National Park various times between now and the end October to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Rocky Mountain National Park
05/02/2015 | Hawkeye Get On The Air
May 2, 1500Z-2200Z, W0IO, Iowa City, IA. University of Iowa Amateur Radio Club and Iowa City Amateur Radio Club. 146.850; General portion of the 10 - 80 meter bands, and 6 and 2 meters . QSL. University of Iowa Amateur Radio Club, 203 Van Allen Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242. w0io.uiarc@gmail.com
05/02/2015 | Oklahoma Steam Thresher and Gas Engine Show
May 2, 1300Z-2200Z, K5SRC, Stillwater, OK. Stillwater Amateur Radio Club. 3.885 7.260 14.270. QSL. William Pendleton, 501 East Broadway, Yale, OK 74085. This is an annual event that has been going on for many years and draws folks young and old alike and from far off lands, to admire the history of the steam thresher and the gas engine in it's many forms! stillwaterarc.org
May 2, 1600Z-2000Z, WE7GV, Sahuarita, AZ. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.242 14.244 14.246. Certificate & QSL. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club, 601 N La Canada, Sahuarita, AZ 85629. Operating from the Collins 1963 discage antenna. GVARC.US
05/03/2015 | New Hampshire Old Man Collapse Anniversary
May 3, 1400Z-2100Z, N1H, Franconia, NH. Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club. 7.053 14.053 14.253 21.253. QSL. Tim Carter W3ATB, Old Man Event, 100 Swain Road, Meredith, NH 03253. Details at www.n1hevent.com
05/06/2015 | Grand Prix of Indianapolis
May 6-May 9, 2200Z-2200Z, W9IMS, Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC. 3.840 7.240 14.245 21.350. Certificate & QSL. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, PO Box 30954, Indianapolis, IN 46230. www.qrz.com/db/w9ims
05/08/2015 | 1869 Transcontinental Rail Road Golden Spike Commemorative
May 8-May 9, 1500Z-2300Z, W7G, Ogden, UT. Ogden Amateur Radio Club. 21.285 14.255 7.235. QSL. Ogden Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 3353, Ogden, UT 84409. Times are daily. www.w7g.org
05/09/2015 | Inaugural Special Event Celebrating 150th Anniversary of Last Shot Fired of the Civil War
May 9, 1400Z-2000Z, KW4P, Waynesville, NC. Haywood County Amateur Radio Club. 28.440 21.340 14.340 7.240. Certificate. HCARC, PO Box 1435, Waynesville, NC 28786. More information and downloadable certificate wnchamradio.org