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  • 04/08/2015 | 150th Anniversary of the Surrender at Appomattox

    Apr 8-Apr 13, 1200Z-0000Z, N3S, Morrisville, PA. Bryan D. Boyle . 14.275 7.195. QSL. Bryan D. Boyle, WB0YLE, 102 Juliet Rd, Morrisville, PA 19067. Re-activating SE Station N3S to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the surrender of the CS Army of Northern Virginia, General Robert E. Lee commanding, to the US Army of the Potomac, General Ulysses Grant commanding, at Appomattox Court House Virginia, effectively ending our nation's War Between the States. Commemorative QSL sent on receipt of your QSL and SSAE with correct postage to WB0YLE/N3S, 102 Juliet Rd., Morrisville PA 19067. Website: for more background and event information.

  • 04/10/2015 | 68th annual North Carolina Azalea Festival

    Apr 10-Apr 12, 0000Z-2359Z, AC4RC, Wilmington, NC. Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club. 14.225 14.035 7.225 7.035. Certificate & QSL. Via LoTW or direct to ACARC, PO Box 4044, Wilmington, NC 28406. SASE required. Paper certificates available for $4 or in PDF format at no cost. For more information or

  • 04/10/2015 | Venice Sharks Tooth Festival

    Apr 10-Apr 12, 1800Z-2000Z, W4S, Englewood, FL. Tamiami Amateur Radio Club. 21.313 18.153 14.236 14.070; SSB, RTTY and PSK31 modes. QSL. Jack Sproat, W4JS, 1419 E Manasota Beach Rd, Englewood, FL 34223.

  • 04/11/2015 | Operation Frequent Wind Commemoration Special Event

    Apr 11, 1700Z-2359Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250; PSK31 on 14.070; D-STAR REF 1C. QSL. USS Midway Museum Ship Radio Room, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.

  • 04/11/2015 | Silver Springs State Park- Home of the Glass Bottom Boats

    Apr 11, 1400Z-2300Z, N4N, Ocala, FL. Sun Country Amateur Radio Society. 40 20 15 10 meters; CW, SSB, digtal modes as conditions allow. QSL. Carol Scoglio, KA4WJR, 31 Lake Wood Cir, Ocala, FL 34482. 1st Activation of Silver Springs State Park -- Home of the Glass Bottom Boats. eQSL or direct with #10 SASE. Info at,, or

  • 04/13/2015 | 2015 Preparedness Summit

    Apr 13-Apr 17, 1700Z-2359Z, N4P, Atlanta, GA. Oklahoma City-County Health Department Amateur Radio Club. 28.365 21.365 14.265 7.265. Certificate. Andrew Roszak, NACCHO, 1100 17th Street NW, Seventh Floor, Washington, DC 20036. Oklahoma City-County Health Department, Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club, Southwest Utah Public Health Department, Cobb County GA ARES, Monroe County NY ARES, and National Association of County and City Health Officials have come together to enhance communications capabilities within public health agencies and healthcare coalitions through a combination of activities including a licensure “Ham Cram” session, FCC exams, conference presentations, exhibit hall live operating demonstrations and this on-air Special Event operating from the Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club station.

  • 04/17/2015 | Petal-Southern Miss Pow-Wow

    Apr 17-Apr 19, 1800Z-1800Z, W0W, Petal, MS. City of Petal, MS. 21.325 21.032 14.325 14.032. QSL. Curt Waites, N5CW, P0 Box 52, Petal, MS 39465. CW and SSB, daily as operators are available.

  • 04/18/2015 | Bayou Teche Black Bear Festival

    Apr 18, 1500Z-2200Z, W5BMC, Morgan City, LA. Bayouland Emergency Amateur Radio Service. 14.260. QSL. Jackie Price, 708 Front St, Morgan City, LA 70380. Event on Beautiful Bayou Teche in Franklin, La. St. Mary Parish is a protected black bear habitat


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