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  • 04/18/2015 | GHARC Birthday Event

    Apr 18-Apr 19, 1900Z-1900Z, W7ZA, Aberdeen, WA. Grays Harbor Amateur Radio Club. 14.255 14.050. QSL. GHARC Birthday Event, PO Box 2250, Aberdeen, WA 98520.

  • 04/18/2015 | Lincoln 150 Commemoration

    Apr 18-Apr 19, 0900Z-1200Z, K3SMD, La Plata, MD. Charles County Amateur Radio Club. 18.140 17M band. QSL. K3SMD Lincoln 150, PO Box 169, LaPlata, MD 20646.

  • 04/18/2015 | The Town That Saved Itself 50th Anniversary

    Apr 18-Apr 19, 1400Z-2200Z, W1N, Winona, MN. Winona Amateur Radio Club. 21.319 14.319 10.119 7.219. Certificate. W1N - 1965, Winona Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 1264, Winona, MN 55987.

  • 04/19/2015 | Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

    Apr 19-Apr 26, 0000Z-1800Z, N5M, Oklahoma City, OK. Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs. 28.466 21.366 14.266 7.266. QSL. K2GKK / KA5BJS, PO Box 15462, Oklahoma City, OK 73155. The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon honors 'those who were killed, those who survived, and those changed forever' in the Murrah Federal Building bombing. 2015 is the 15th anniversary of the Marathon and 20th anniversary of the bombing. Suggested operating frequencies at

  • 04/20/2015 | 75th Annual Vermontville Maple Syrup Festival

    Apr 20-May 3, 0000Z-0000Z, W8S, Vermontville, MI. WK8H Rodney L. Harmon. 446.200 MHz PL 74.4 Hz IRLP node 4868, same frequency. Certificate. Rodney L. Harmon, 360 South Main St, Vermontville, MI 49096. In memory of Vermontville Fire Chief, Monte P. O'Dell, who passed away from cancer 31 October 2014, 1958-2014.

  • 04/21/2015 | SUN n FUN International Fly-In & Expo

    Apr 21-Apr 26, 1300Z-2000Z, W4S, Lakeland, FL. Sun n Fun Amateur Radio Station. 14.245 21.240 28.325. QSL. Bob Flynn, WA4OAB, 1281 Forrest Hill Dr, Clearwater, FL 33756. Held at Lakeland Linder Airport, KLAL. This is the second year that the Fly-In ARS W4S will be on the air. The idea is to contact pilots/HAM radio operators while the Fly-In is taking place. We also encourage walk ups who may want to take the Mic. or just hang out and talk aviation and HAM radio. We had a very good turn out on the air and walk ups in 2014.

  • 04/24/2015 | 25th anniversary of Hubble Space Telescope launch

    Apr 24-Apr 29, 0000Z-2359Z, NN4SA, Huntsville, AL. Marshall Space Flight Center Amateur Radio Club, NASA. 21.175 18.120 14.225. QSL. Marshall Amateur Radio Club, c/o Don Hediger, ES32, Huntsville, AL 35812. See URL for information and DX spotting clustors for frequencies and times.

  • 04/25/2015 | 225th Anniversary of St Clair County, Illinois

    Apr 25-Apr 26, 1500Z-2359Z, W9E, Fairview Heights, IL. St Clair Amateur Radio Club. 29.225 14.225 14.040 7.225. QSL. KC9TPD, 21 Mt Vernon Dr, Fairview Heights, IL 62208. Times are daily, Apr 25-26 1500-0400 and Apr 26 1500-2400


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