05/27/2015 | Ham Nation Bicentennial Broadcast
May 27-Jun 4, 0001Z-2359Z, W1H, Goddard, KS. Ham Nation Post Show Net Controllers. 28.468 14.268 7.278 3.847. Certificate. Dale L. Puckett, 23440 W US Highway 54, Goddard, KS 67052. Special Event operates between Episode 199 and 200 of the TWIT-TV network. Certificate will be issued for working 4 of the 6 stations in the event. In addition to the call above other stations are W0H, W5H, W6H, W7H and W9H. All six station will QSL to stations submitting their QSL with an SASE. Deadline for QSL receipt is December 31 2015. A QRZ web page for W5H will contain the information for all six Special Event stations. hamnationvideos@twit.tv or www.qrz.com/db/w5h
05/27/2015 | Ham Nation Bicentennial Broadcast
May 27-Jun 4, 0001Z-2359Z, W5H, Goddard, KS. Ham Nation Post Show Net Controllers. 28.468 14.268 7.278 3.847. Certificate. Dale L. Puckett, 23440 W US Highway 54, Goddard, KS 67052. Special Event operates between Episode 199 and 200 of the TWIT-TV network. Certificate will be issued for working 4 of the 6 stations in the event. In addition to the call above other stations are W0H, W1H, W6H, W7H and W9H. All six station will QSL to stations submitting their QSL with an SASE. Deadline for QSL receipt is December 31 2015. A QRZ web page for W5H will contain the information for all six Special Event stations. hamnationvideos@twit.tv or www.qrz.com/db/w5h
05/27/2015 | Ham Nation Bicentennial Broadcast
May 27-Jun 4, 0001Z-2359Z, W0H, Goddard, KS. Ham Nation Post Show Net Controllers. 28.468 14.268 7.278 3.847. Certificate. Dale L Puckett, 23440 W US Highway 54, Goddard, KS 67052. W1H,W5H Special Event operates between Episode 199 and 200 of the TWIT-TV network. Certificate will be issued for working 4 of the 6 stations in the event. In addition to the call above other stations are W1H, W5H, W6H, W7H and W9H. All six station will QSL to stations submitting their QSL with an SASE. Deadline for QSL receipt is December 31 2015. A QRZ web page for W5H will contain the information for all six Special Event stations. hamnationvideos@TWIT.TV or www.qrz.com/db/w5h
05/30/2015 | Amateur Radio Relay For Life
May 30-Jun 7, 0500Z-0200Z, K2JJI, Johnstown, NY. TRYON Amateur Radio Club. 3.980, 7.290, 14.325 18.170 21.400 28.450, 146.52. Certificate. TRYON Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 335, Gloversville, NY 12078. Our website will have a certificate to print via log verification. www.k2jji.org
05/30/2015 | Cape Cod Mini Maker Faire
May 30, 1400Z-2000Z, K1PBO, Barnstable, MA. Barnstable Amateur Radio Club. 14.270. Certificate. Barnstable Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 322, South Dennis, MA 02660. Cape Cod Community Collage Hosts a Maker Faire and we will be demonstrating ham radio. We would love to make contact with as many station as we can during this event! Certificates are available in real time via our website the day of the event. www.barnstablearc.org
05/30/2015 | CVARA 50th Anniversary
May 30-May 31, 1300Z-1800Z, W2RME/50, Norwich, NY. Chenango Valley Amateur Radio Association. 21.200 14.200 7.220. Certificate & QSL. Thomas Mathewson, 680 Plymouth North Norwich Rd, Norwich, NY 13815. QSL and Certificate by email only, ad2tm@arrl.net
05/30/2015 | Kentucky History
May 30, 1300Z-1900Z, KE4YVD, Richmond, KY. Central Kentucky Amateur Radio Society. 14.245 7.245. QSL. Terry Holman, 156 Norton Dr, Richmond, KY 40475. Interesting facts about the discovery and settlement of our state. Transmitting from Madison County the location of Ft Boonesboro and home of Cassius Marcellus Clay (abolitionist). Only state that supplied two Presidents to this country at the same time. Lincoln in the north and Davis in the south.
05/30/2015 | N&W J 611 Steam Locomotive Homecoming
May 30-May 31, 1400Z-2100Z, W4CA, Roanoke, VA. Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club. 7.105 CW. QSL. RVARC Ray Crampton, AB4YZ, 1670 Catawba Rd, Troutville, VA 24175. Also SSB freq TBD. This is a 2 day event, running 1400-2100 Z on May 30 & May 31. w4ca.com/w4ca/index.php