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  • 09/05/2015 | CARA's 36th Annual Trek to the Ghost Town of Paradise, AZ

    Sep 5-Sep 7, 1600Z-0700Z, K7RDG, Sierra Vista, AZ. Cochise Amateur Radio Association. 26.315 21.215 14.315 7.230. Certificate & QSL. CARA K7RDG, PO Box 1855, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636.

  • 09/05/2015 | USS Requin and LST 325 Celabrating Submarine Vets Convention and LST 325 Visit to Pittsburgh, PA

    Sep 5-Sep 12, 1500Z-2100Z, NY3EC, Mc Donald, PA. USS Requin SS481 Amateur Radio Club. 7.260 7.050 14.235 14.040. Certificate. Art Mueller, 1532 Millers Run Rd, Mc Donald, PA 15057.

  • 09/08/2015 | Bolingbrook 50th Anniversary

    Sep 8-Sep 12, 2300Z-2300Z, K9BAR, Bolingbrook, IL. Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society. 14.250 7.175. Certificate & QSL. K9BAR Special Event, PO Box 802, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Bolingbrook's incorporation. Please visit the special event page at for electronic QSL or certificate information.

  • 09/09/2015 | National POW MIA Recognition Day Special Event Station

    Sep 9-Sep 20, 0000Z-2359Z, K4MIA, Loxahatchee, FL. PBSE Radio Society. 21.300 18.150 14.265 7.185. QSL. Michael Bald, 6758 Hall Blvd, Loxahatchee, FL 33470. Observances of National POW MIA Recognition Day are held across this country on the third Friday in September each year. This year it will be on September 18th. The day was established to honor our prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action. Also, there will be a sister station K4MIA/7 in operation some days. See QRZ for a copy of this years QSL and for additional information. Because of volume of requests you MUST send SASE to get a returned QSL. Please take time to remember our POW's and MIA's as well as their families.

  • 09/10/2015 | 9th Annual Triple Tree Aerodrome Fly-In

    Sep 10-Sep 12, 1200Z-2200Z, N4T, Woodruff, SC. Triple Tree Aerodrome and it's Volunteers. 14.330 14.030 7.268 7.030. QSL. Stan Nafziger, KF4BY, 406 Holly Ln, Mauldin, SC 29662. We are anticipating nearly 1000 aircraft to attend this year at the Home of FUN, FELLOWSHIP & HOSPITALITY.

  • 09/10/2015 | The North Carolina Mountain State Fair

    Sep 10-Sep 21, 1300Z-0100Z, N4F, Fletcher, NC. The Road Show Amateur Radio Club. 7.245; 40 20 15 10 meters. Certificate & QSL. Bill Van Nuys, N4OOC, 57 Echo Lake Dr, Fairview, NC 28730. Check club website throughout the event for current operating frequencies on 40, 20,15, and 10 meters. Send SASE for QSL, large SASE ($0.98 postage) and $5 for QSL and Certificate.

  • 09/11/2015 | FreeDV Codec2 HF Digital Voice QSO Party Weekend

    Sep 11-Sep 12, 1130Z-2330Z, VK100ANZAC, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA. Amateur Radio Experimenters Group. 14.236 7.175. QSL. Via Bureau or , see , web site, AUSTRALIA.

  • 09/11/2015 | SATERN's First International Response - Hurricane Gilbert 1988

    Sep 11-Sep 12, 2359Z-2359Z, W8SAT, Comstock Park, MI. The Salvation Army / West Michigan Northern Indiana Division Emergency Disaster Services. 14.265 7.265 3.977. Certificate & QSL. WMNI SATERN, 1215 Fulton St E, WMNI DHQ, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. 2nd annual special event, commemorating The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio network's origination and first international response to the Hurricane Gilbert disaster in 1988. Stations will be transmitting from the Little Pine Island Divisional Camp in Comstock Park, Michigan. SEND YOUR QSL card to "WMNI SATERN" c/o The Salvation Army WMNI DHQ, 1215 Fulton St. E, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 and we will send you our event CERTIFICATE and a QSL CARD in return.


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