05/30/2015 | Night Watch & Brothers Nets Hand Shake
May 30-Jun 8, 2200Z-0200Z, W9BRO, Chesapeake, VA. The Brothers Net. 7.192. QSL. N9B, 4913 Manning Ct, Chesapeake, VA 23321. This is the second annual Hand Shake meeting of the Night Watch and The Brothers Nets. Dedicated to the Brotherhood of Amateur Radio. www.w9bro.net
05/30/2015 | President Grover Cleveland Birthplace
May 30, 1400Z-2000Z, W2EF, Caldwell, NJ. West Essex Amateur Radio Club. 146.55 21.277 14.277 7.177. Certificate. West Essex ARC, 34 Eastern Pkwy, Caldwell, NJ 07006. www.wearc.org
06/02/2015 | D-Day Commemoration
Jun 2-Jun 10, 1400Z-1800Z, W2W, Baltimore, MD. ARCNEM. 14.244 14.044 7.244 7.044. Certificate & QSL. W2W Special Event, PO Box 1693, MS 4015, Baltimore, MD 21203. Primary operation will be June 5-7. Station is located at the National Electronics Museum.
06/03/2015 | Museum Ships on the Air
Jun 3-Jun 10, 0600Z-0000Z, N5P, Fredericksburg, TX. Hill Country Amateur Radio Club. 14.039 14.260 7.260 7.039. QSL. National Museum of Pacific War, 340 E Main St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624.
06/04/2015 | USS Alabama Museum Ship/Museum Ships on the Air
Jun 4-Jun 7, 0000Z-2359Z, W6Z, Harvest, AL. Huntsville Amateur Radio Club. 28.450 21.410 14.330 7.2100. QSL. Bill Bathgate, 101 Wooded Brook Dr, Harvest, AL 35749. bill.bathgate@yahoo.com
06/05/2015 | Comanche Code Talkers of WWI & WWII
Jun 5-Jun 7, 1400Z-2300Z, W5KS, Lawton, OK. Lawton-Ft Sill Amateur Radio Club. 50.130 D-Star Reflectors 030c & 001c; 21.295 14.325 7.275. Certificate & QSL. LoTW or LFSARC, PO Box 892, Lawton, OK 73502. Operating from the Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center, Lawton, OK. Times are daily. 5x6 SASE please, a PDF commemorative certificate suitable for hanging is available if requested. www.facebook.com/pages/Lawton-Fort-Sill-Amateur-Radio-Club/156959654458146 or www.w5ks.net
Jun 6, 1500Z-2000Z, KØDCA, Ava, MO. Douglas County Amateur Radio Club. 14.210 21.250. QSL. KØDCA, PO Box 863, Ava, MO 65608. we will try all frequencies to see what is open so listen for call sign kc0okp@yahoo.com
06/06/2015 | Museum Ship Weekend
Jun 6-Jun 7, 1119Z-1119Z, W1T, Essex Junction, VT. Radio Amateurs of Northern Vermont. 14.260 7.260 3.760. Certificate. Robert Brown, W4YFJ, 5 Repa Dr, Essex Junction, VT 05452. 8 1/2 X11 Certificate will be mailed in Self Addressed, stamped envelope. Please do not send smaller envelopes. www.ranv.org