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ARRL Propagation Bulletin ARLP011 (2000)

ARLP011 Propagation de K7VVV

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 11  ARLP011
From Tad Cook, K7VVV
Seattle, WA  March 17, 2000
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP011 Propagation de K7VVV

Average solar flux was down slightly and average sunspot numbers
rose over the past week. There were no really disturbed days, but
the geomagnetic field was active on March 12.

The spring equinox is coming up this Monday, and this is always an
exciting time for HF operators. Conditions should be good this
season with the rising solar flux.

Solar flux has been declining this week, and is expected to reach a
short term minimum near 170 from March 19 to 21. Flux values should
quickly rise to another short term peak that is expected to be very
broad. Solar flux should be around 220 from March 25 through April

The projected solar flux for the next five days, Friday through
Tuesday, is 180, 175, 170, 170 and 170. Planetary A index for these
same days is expected to be 8, 8, 8, 8 and 12. Upcoming dates that
may be disturbed are March 22-24, March 31 and April 1, and April 18
and 19.

Chip, K7JA, wrote to alert readers to fantastic conditions on 10
meters, including long path propagation. He is in Southern
California, and writes ''You might want to mention in your column the
tremendous LP openings on 10 meters lately. Saturday night of ARRL
Phone was one, and last night (perhaps 0300z to 0800z at least, out
here, earlier on Right Coast) was a doozy. The band started over the
top into UA9, etc., and about 0300z went to Long Path. Loud UA9s,
3B8FG, JY9NX, A41LZ, A45XR, 5Z4WI, SU9ZZ, and stations from
literally everywhere in Europe (like PA, DL, OH etc.) filled the
band. I gave up at midnight, but the band was still hopping. The
East Coast got into this one, as did stations in Texas and other
Midwestern areas. I saw a number of spots by W3UR. Basically, about
7 PM is a good time to be watchful to the south, beaming about 90
degrees. Last night's opening, however, had a broad peak into
Europe, maybe as far up as 220 degrees or so. Guess we finally have
a sunspot cycle!''

Sunspot numbers for March 9 through 15 were 225, 231, 178, 188, 172,
193 and 167 with a mean of 193.4. 10.7 cm flux was 205.8 203.4,
203.2, 203.2, 188.1, 182.6 and 177.8, with a mean of 194.9, and
estimated planetary A indices were 5, 10, 12, 19, 4, 6 and 3, with a
mean of 8.4.

Path projections for this weekend are from Elko, Nevada.

To Europe, 80 meters 0200-0700z, 40 meters 0100-0800z, 30 meters
2330-0930z, 20 meters open all hours, best 0130-0700z, weakest
1200-1530z, 17 meters 1430-0030z, 15 meters 1430-2230z, 12 meters
1530-2130z, 10 meters 1700-2030z.

To Southern Africa, 80 meters 0130-0430z, 40 meters 0100-0500z, 30
meters 0030-0500z, 20 meters 0000-0530z, 17 meters 0000-0300z, 15
meters 2300-0200z, 12 meters 2300-0130z, 10 meters 2030-0100z.

To South America, 80 meters 0130-1000z, 40 meters 0100-1030z, 30
meters 0030-1100z, 20 meters 0000-1100z, 17 meters 2300- 1300z, 15
meters 1300-1430z and 2200-0700z, 12 meters 1330-0430z, 10 meters

To the Caribbean, 80 meters 0100-1100z, 40 meters 0000-1200z, 30
meters 2300-1300z, 20 meters open all hours, best 0130-1030z,
weakest 1600-2000z, 17 meters 1300-1700z, 15 meters 1330-0300z, 12
meters 1400-0200z, 10 meters 1500-0100z.

To Australia, 80 meters 0930-1400z, 40 meters and 30 meters
0830-1500z, 20 meters 0800-1530z, 17 meters 0700-1700z, 15 meters
1500-1800z and 0600-0900z, 12 meters 0500-0630z, 10 meters

To Japan, 80 meters 0900-1430z, 40 meters 0800-1500z, 30 meters
0730-1600z, 20 meters 0600-1730z, 17 meters 1500-2000z, 15 meters
2000-0630z, 12 meters 2100-0430z, 10 meters 2030-0530z.


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