SB DX @ ARL $ARLD043 ARLD043 DX news ZCZC AE43 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 43 ARLD043 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT October 29, 2015 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD043 ARLD043 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all. AGALEGA AND ST. BRANDON ISLANDS, 3B6, 7. Pat, 3B8FA is QRV as 3B7FA from St. Brandon until October 31. Activity is on 20, 15 and 10 meters using CW, SSB, SSTV and PSK63. QSL to home call. VIET NAM, 3W. An international team of Merditerraneo DX Club members will be QRV as 3W3MD from Da Nang, while some operators will also be QRV as 3W3MD/p from Cham Island, IOTA AS-162, from October 31 to November 9. QSL both calls via IK2VUC. MADAGASCAR, 5R. Eric, F6ICX will be QRV as 5R8IC from Sainte-Marie Island, IOTA AF-090, from November 1 to December 12. Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using mostly CW with some SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL direct to home call. ALGERIA, 7X. A group of operators are QRV as 7W6A and 7T9A from the Cap Sigli and Cap Corbelin Lighthouses, respectively, until November 2. QSL both calls via EA3GSS. TONGA, A3. Operators Martin, OK1FZM and Lenka, OK1WZM are QRV as A35OK and A35OL, respectively, until November 1 from Tongatapu Island, IOTA OC-049, Ha'apai Islands, IOTA OC-149, and Vava'u Islands, IOTA OC-064, on various dates. QSL to home calls. PHILIPPINES, DU. Elena, RC5A and Yuri, RM0F will be QRV as DU9/RC5A and DU9/RM0F, respectively, from Siargao Island, IOTA OC-235, from November 1 to 13. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL to home calls. MARKET REEF, OJ0. SRAL President Merja, OH1EG is QRV as OJ0C. Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via operator's instructions. DENMARK, OZ. Operators DF2KK, DL3YAT, DL6II and DO1BEN will be QRV as OZ0IL from Lolland Island, IOTA EU-029, from November 5 to 14. Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters with two stations. QSL via DO1BEN. ARUBA, P4. Special event station P490IARU is QRV until December 22 from various locations in Aruba to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union. Activity is on all bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via P43E. FERNANDO DE NORONHA, PY0F. Janio, PY4NY is QRV as PY0NY until November 5. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and various digital modes. If conditions allow, he may try 80 and 6 meters as well. QSL direct to home call. EAST KIRIBATI, T32. Operators KH6OO, W0ZRJ and N0PJV are QRV as T32DX from Captain Cook Hotel on Kirimati Island, IOTA OC-024, until November 3. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters with two stations. QSL via KH6OO. PALAU, T8. Koh, JA4BXL, Kad, JA4BDY and Tom, JA4BVU are QRV as T88ZE, T88KK and T88SH, respectively, from Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, until November 5. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL direct to home calls. BENIN, TY. Michal, SQ3PMM is QRV as TY4AB. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW and SSB. His length of stay is unknown. QSL to home call. In addition, Nicolas, F8FQX is QRV as TY2CA from Cotonou while on a three-year assignment. Activity is in his spare time on 80 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via IZ1BZV. MONTSERRAT, VP2M. Operators Rick, AI5P, Phil, K3EW and Jim, W3NRJ will be QRV as VP2MXP, VP2MEW and VP2MVI, respectively, from Gingerbread Hill from November 4 to 12. Activity will be on the HF bands. QSL to home calls. INDONESIA, YB. Imam, YB4IR is QRV from Iyang Island, IOTA OC-237, until November 1. Afterwards, he will be QRV as YB4IR/3 from Kangean Island, IOTA OC-217, from November 2 to 6. QSL to home call. VANUATU, YJ. Barry, VK2BJ will be QRV as YJ0BJ from November 2 to 16. Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL direct to home call. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL EME Contest, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC Sprint, Feld Hell Sprint, Russian World Wide MultiMode Contest and High Speed Club CW Contest are on tap for this upcoming weekend. The ARS Spartan CW Sprint is scheduled for November 3. The UKEICC 80-Meter SSB Contest, Phone Fray, CWops Mini-CWT CW Test and QRP CW Fox Hunt are scheduled for November 4. Please see October QST, page 89, November QST, page 91, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details. NNNN /EX