SB DX @ ARL $ARLD010 ARLD010 DX news ZCZC AE52 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 10 ARLD010 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT February 15, 1996 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD010 ARLD010 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with info provided by Wayne, N7NG, Tedd, KB8NW, Jaakko, OH1MA, and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all. NORTH KOREA, P5. The DPRK project group has been working long and hard to put P51DX on the air and establish amateur radio in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Due to transportation scheduling and severe weather conditions, the group's next trip to the DPRK will not be until late April. The goal of the DPRK project is to establish permanent on the air amateur radio activity with the large base of radio communications enthusiasts that are currently involved in radio direction finding and classroom Morse competitions. MYANMAR, XZ. A team consisting of OH1MA, OH1RY, OH2BE, OH2BH and OH2KNB will be on the air February 18 to 28 as XZ1R. Two stations with amps will be active. Some members of this group will also be making final preparations for the XZ1N DXpedition scheduled for early April. On CW check 1824/1831, 7004, 10114, 14004, 18074, 21004, 24894 and 28004 kHz. On SSB try 1845, 3795, 7042/7095, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz. QSL via SCSDX-team, PO Box 111, SF 24101, Salo, Finland. HEARD ISLAND, VK0. Tony, WA4JQS/VP8BZL, founder of the South Sandwich Island Antarctic DX Group, SSIDXG, reports his group scrapping plans for their three week operation. This is to allow the KK6EK/ON6TT Heard Island group maximum opportunities. MACAO, XX9. Mine, JE1CTM, is in the early stages of planning a short trip and operation from Taipa Island. FRANZ JOSEF LAND, R1F. Sergey, R1FJZ, is active on 3503 kHz and on 160 meters between 1100 and 1200z. He has worked 170 EU and JA stations on 160 meters but only VE1ZZ and KL7RA in North America. Also try 7003 kHz between 1230 and 1330z and 14243 kHz at 0915z. Sergey will go QRT in August. The Russian government may discontinue funding Arctic bases, so further activity could be rare. SAINT MARTIN, FS. Paul, WX9E, is active from the shack of FS5PL. He will sign FS/WX9E except during the ARRL International CW Contest. Mike, N0BSH, and Chad, WE9V, will join him and be active from February 22 to March 6 signing FS/N0BSH and FS/WE9V. The group will be active on CW and SSB on all bands. Chad will make a special effort to provide RTTY contacts for those needing FS on that mode. The group will participate in the ARRL International Phone Contest. QSL FS/homecall via the homecall using the new CBA. QSL FS5PL or possible special contest call via WX9E. NEVIS, V4. Mike, N0BSH, will be active until February 21, including an all band entry in the ARRL International CW contest. Listen for V47NZ, mostly on CW. QSL via N0BSH. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. It's time again for the ARRL International CW Contest weekend. For full contest rules see page 105 in December QST. And good luck in the contest. NNNN /EX