SB QST @ ARL $ARLB051 ARLB051 New FCC System Yields Fast License Grants ZCZC AG51 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 51 ARLB051 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT December 28, 2000 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB051 ARLB051 New FCC System Yields Fast License Grants The FCC's new system to handle batch filed amateur applications from Volunteer Examiner Coordinators has cut processing time from hours to minutes. The FCC inaugurated the more rapid amateur license application processing system December 28. ''Way to go, FCC!'' said an enthusiastic ARRL-VEC Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, after his office fed its first batch of license applications into the system. Jahnke says processing of five dozen ARRL-VEC applications took about 50 minutes. The W4VEC in North Carolina and Central America VEC also took advantage of the new system for the first time. Except for a two-hour window right after midnight each day, the speedy new system looks for VEC submissions each hour on the half hour. With FCC license grant processing now measured in terms of hours instead of days, the major factor now determining the time from exam to license grant is how quickly VE teams get their test results to their VECs. The FCC has been estimating a processing window of up to 90 minutes, depending on volume and arrival time. License grant results should be available immediately on the Universal Licensing System Web site,, using the license search option. Once a grant is in the FCC database, the licensee has operating privileges. Applications processed by the FCC one day will appear in the public update (''zip'') files the following morning. Public call sign servers on the Internet should be able to update within 24 hours after FCC action--rather than the 48 hours that's now typical. On-line filings from individuals, weekend filings and FCC-manually processed applications filed to Gettysburg will continue to be handled as they are now. These are batched for midnight processing, and weekend filings will not queue up until Monday midnight. NNNN /EX