SB QST @ ARL $ARLB051 ARLB051 Gate 3 grants soon ZCZC AG51 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 51 ARLB051 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT September 5, 1997 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB051 ARLB051 Gate 3 grants soon As more than a thousand vanity call sign applicants wait anxiously, the FCC in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, is edging ever closer to processing Gate 3 August 6 vanity receipts. Gate 3 opened August 6 for Advanced class amateurs. As of late August, the FCC had cleared the decks of any ''work in process'' or WIPS applications from applicants who had filed prior to August 6 under earlier vanity gates. The FCC reports it received 1613 vanity call sign applications between August 6 and August 20. That total could include applications filed under earlier vanity gates, however. An FCC spokesperson said this week that personnel are very carefully matching up fees paid with applications filed to ensure that any call sign request that can be granted, will be granted. In particular, the FCC wants to be sure that no fees for electronic filers go astray. Most of those who are seeking new call signs under Gate 3 filed electronically, but payments still had to be sent by mail. The fee-handling procedure initiated with Gate 3 is a change from how fees were handled under earlier vanity gates. Under the current procedure, the FCC requires fees accompanying electronically filed applications to be paid (and received by the FCC bank contractor, Mellon Bank) within 10 days of filing. The FCC will not process an application before the fee is received. The fee for a vanity call sign application increases from 30 dollar(s) to 50 dollar(s) on September 15, 1997. The FCC still has not given any indication when it plans to open Gate 4. NNNN /EX