SB QST @ ARL $ARLB034 ARLB034 Band threat - part 3 ZCZC AG14 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 34 ARLB034 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 30, 1996 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB034 ARLB034 Band threat - part 3 Amateurs Mobilize Against Threat to 2 meters, 70 cm - Part 3 of 4 One of the WRC-97 agenda items includes consideration of possible additional frequency allocations for the mobile-satellite service. So-called ''little LEOs,'' low-earth orbit satellites below 1 GHz, already have allocations. Their proponents claim these are inadequate and are trying for more. The needs of little LEOs are being addressed in IWG-2A, chaired by Warren Richards of the Department of State. The ARRL technical relations staff participates in IWG-2A to represent Amateur Radio interests. At the May 7 IWG-2A meeting, an industry representative proposed a list of ''candidate bands'' for little LEOs. The list includes a number of bands that would negatively impact existing services, and does not include others that would be technically more feasible but to which strong objection from incumbents could be expected--the point being that some political, rather than purely technical, judgment already has influenced the list. Incredibly, 144-148 and 420-450 MHz were included on the list. This is the first time in memory that another service has been proposed for the two-meter amateur band. We must make sure it is also the last time. We do not need to explain to ARRL members the extensive use that is made of these bands by amateurs. The two bands provide the backbone of our local public service communications effort. Voice and data, mobile and fixed, even television--the list of present amateur uses is a long one, and of future uses is even longer. Both are already used for satellite services and for moonbounce and extended-range terrestrial operations requiring extremely sensitive receivers and high levels of effective radiated power. Apparently we did need to explain all this to the little LEO industry representatives, so we did just that--both at the meeting and in a follow-up letter on May 15. We also explained that we had to regard the matter as extremely serious. No one with the slightest background in radiocommunication could possibly believe that a mobile-satellite service could be introduced into either band without disrupting existing and future amateur operations. Therefore, we said, if we did not receive assurance that they would be taken off the list of candidate bands by the deadline for this issue of QST, we would have no choice but to bring the matter to the attention of the entire membership. Continued in part 4 (ARLB035). NNNN /EX