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ARRL General Bulletin ARLB034 (1995)

ARLB034 Petition threatens W1AW
QST de W1AW  
ARRL Bulletin 34  ARLB034
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  April 5, 1995
To all radio amateurs 
ARLB034 Petition threatens W1AW
A petition for rule making before the FCC would eliminate all
one-way transmissions such as code practice and information
bulletins on the amateur bands below 30 MHz, including those from
The FCC has assigned file number RM-8626 to the petition, which was
filed by Frederick O. Maia, W5YI, publisher of the commercial
newsletter the W5YI Report.  The petition seeks to eliminate the
rules that permit one-way information bulletins and Morse code
practice in the amateur bands below 30 MHz.  The effect of the
petition would be to silence W1AW bulletin and code practice
transmissions, among others.
Maia calls the FCC rule that permits certain one-way transmissions
on the amateur bands ''a very permissive category and taken in its
broadest context, permits just about anything to be transmitted that
is even remotely associated with the Amateur Service.''
Maia says that code practice is now available on computer software,
and information bulletins about Amateur Radio can be had on various
computer on-line services.
Comments on the petition may be sent in the form of a letter to the
Secretary, FCC, Washington, DC 20554.  The file number, RM-8626,
should be shown prominently at the top.  An original and five copies
is preferred, but single copy comments will be accepted.
A copy should also be sent to Mr. Maia's lawyer, Raymond A.
Kowalski, Keller and Heckman, 1001 G Street NW, Washington, DC
20001.  The deadline for comments on the petition is May 4, 1995.


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