SB QST @ ARL $ARLB019 ARLB019 FCC's Riley Hollingsworth visits ARRL HQ ZCZC AG19 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 19 ARLB019 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT March 19, 1999 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB019 ARLB019 FCC's Riley Hollingsworth visits ARRL HQ After six months as the FCC's top Amateur Radio enforcer, Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, says he's pleased with the progress he's made and the support he's received from the amateur community. During a St Patrick's Day visit to ARRL HQ, Hollingsworth told ARRL staff members that Amateur Radio enforcement has been ''one of the few victories the Commission has been having these days.'' He said he does not expect the impending FCC restructuring--including creation of a new Enforcement Bureau--to affect the course or momentum of amateur enforcement. He said his current effort is making up for years of neglect in FCC amateur enforcement. But he said that in the long term, ham radio will continue to be self policing, and the Amateur Auxiliary will be a critical link in making that happen. ''We will be depending more and more on the Amateur Auxiliary,'' he said. In the weeks ahead, Hollingsworth said he hopes to turn his attention to such problems as the incursion of unlicensed operators on 10 meters--the so-called ''freebanders'' who often stray onto amateur frequencies--as well as the improper marketing of equipment to unlicensed individuals and examination fraud cases. He also plans to add some casual monitoring capabilities at his Gettysburg office. Hollingsworth said he's currently working about a month behind in replying and advised those contacting him to use either a letter or e-mail instead of the telephone. This was Hollingsworth's first visit to HQ. He said getting a chance to visit W1AW was the highlight. During his visit, Hollingsworth made a quick contact with an acquaintance on 20 meters from W1AW. He also had the rare opportunity to wield the original Wouff Hong and Rettysnitch--the traditional symbols manufactured and invoked by ''The Old Man'' during the early years of the hobby to combat poor operating practices. League officials expressed the hope that the experience would provide an additional boost to Hollingsworth's present-day enforcement efforts. NNNN /EX