SB QST @ ARL $ARLB004 ARLB004 FCC finds missing call signs ZCZC AG04 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 4 ARLB004 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT January 25, 1997 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB004 ARLB004 FCC finds missing call signs Following up on ''a few inquiries'' into why certain call signs were not assigned when they were available, FCC personnel in Gettysburg report they found some 3355 call signs (mostly 2x2 and 2x3 format) that should have been made available for the vanity program but were not, for some reason. An FCC spokesman in Gettysburg reports a search of all vanity applications (including those that required special handling) comparing requested call sign(s) against the 3355 turned up four to be resolved. The other call signs now have been made available for future vanity grants. Earlier this month, callers to the FCC's Gettysburg office were being told that processing of vanity call sign applications would not resume until early March because of ''unspecified computer-related problems.'' Gettysburg now seems to be pulling back from that date, and a spokesperson said this week that the FCC hoped to resume vanity processing by February 1. Before processing the backlog of vanity call sign applications, personnel in Gettysburg first plan to deal with those applications that required special handling--the so-called ''WIPS'' (work in process) stack--which is backlogged from early November. A spokesman said Wednesday that the FCC will resume work on the WIPS stack ''in about a week.'' Also, contrary to what several callers were told, the FCC did not issue a public notice about the vanity call sign program this week. NNNN /EX