10/27/2024 | 86th Anniversary of the War of the Worlds Broadcast
Oct 27, 1600Z-2100Z, W0W, Grovers Mill, NJ. Delaware Valley Radio Association. 7.225 14.255 21.300. Certificate & QSL. Delaware Valley Radio Association, P.O. Box 7024, Trenton, NJ 08628. www.w2zq.com
10/27/2024 | North Carolina State Fair Ham Radio Exhibit
Oct 27, 1000Z-1400Z, N4C, Raleigh, NC. NC Ham Radio Operators. 7.230 14.230. QSL. Travis Russell, 121 Pebble Dr, Clayton, NC 27520.
10/30/2024 | Boo to you!
Oct 30-Nov 3, 0000Z-2359Z, KC5BOO, Cleburne, TX. KC5NX. 14.210. QSL. Boo to You, 3701 Park Rd 21, Cleburne, TX 76033. Kc5boo@yahoo.com
10/31/2024 | BOO! On Bald Mountain - EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED
Oct 31-Nov 1, 1900Z-0001Z, WA4TRS, Fairview, NC. The Road Show Amateur Radio Club, Inc. 18.313 14.313. QSL. The Road Show ARC, 57 Echo Lake Drive, Fairview, NC 28730. Join Us For a Night of Fun From The Graveyard, GUEST Accommodations Available! wa4trs.org
10/31/2024 | Halloween in South Pasadena
Oct 31-Nov 1, 2100Z-0400Z, W6H, South Pasadena, CA. South Pasadena Amateur Radio Club. 28.466 14.266 7.266 7.033. QSL. South Pasadena Amateur Radio Club, email to contact@southpasradio.org, for information on receiving, a QSL. southpasradio.org
10/31/2024 | Halloween Special Event Station
Oct 31, 1400Z-2000Z, W0YFZ, Anoka, MN. Anoka County Radio Club. 14.250 7.250 7.056 ft8. QSL. Anoka County Radio Club, PO Box 982, Anoka, MN 55303. www.anokaradio.org
10/31/2024 | Knights of Columbus Celebration of Date of Beatification of Blessed Michael J. McGivney, Founder of the Knights of Columbus
Oct 31-Nov 2, 0000Z-2359Z, K0C, Bridgeton, NJ. New Jersey Knights of Columbus Amateur Radio Club . 7.18500 14.2500 18.1400 21.3500. Certificate & QSL. Thomas M. Perrotti, N2JIE, 785 Vineland Ave, Bridgeton, NJ 08302. This, and the other Knights of Columbus Special Event Stations sponsored by the New Jersey Knights of Columbus Amateur Radio Club, will be operating with Knights/hams from throughout New Jersey, the United States of America, Canada and Europe. NJ2KC.org
11/01/2024 | 49th Anniversary, Sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald
Nov 1-Nov 15, 0000Z-2359Z, W8F, Livonia, MI. Livonia Amateur Radio Club. 14.260 7.260 7.050 14.050. Certificate. See website, for information, https://livoniaarc.com/qsl/ . Saturday. Nov. 9,1530-2030 UTC, W8F will operate from Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Belle Isle State Park, Detroit, MI. (POTA US-1487 this date only)., Nov. 1-15 Club members signing as W8F on all bands/modes-see spotting sites. QSL INFO ON W8F Page at QRZ.com https://livoniaarc.com